FREE Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Question and Answers
With the exception of one, every one of the following statements describes what the nurse practitioner (NP) should do when giving a patient with a hemoglobin level of 4.3 blood.
The NP shouldn't rush to finish the transfusion because doing so could result in volume overload.
Which drugs are most likely to be prescribed to a patient who is having a hypertensive crisis?
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The most likely drugs for a patient going through a hypertensive crisis are IV Nitroprusside and IV Nitroglycerin..
Which of the following statements regarding ACE inhibitors, the angiotensin-converting enzyme, is true?
If a patient forgets to take an ACE inhibitor medication, they will take it as soon as they remember. While using this drug, the patient's mobility will slow down.
Coughing, feeling lightheaded, having trouble breathing, and feeling pressure in the chest are all signs of a patient.
The patient is probably going through an allergic reaction-related anaphylactic shock.
The patient has diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Please specify the right course of action in this situation.
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Fluids and insulin would both be effective treatments for a patient who is undergoing diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)
Which of the following assertions regarding the endotracheal tube is true? (ETT).
The endotracheal tube (ETT) should be removed by an NP once the patient no longer needs an artificial airway. Before removing the ETT, the NP will deflate the cuff. While one is untapping the ETT, another NP can hold it.
Determine which of the following represents a sign of the acute tubular necrosis phase (ATN).
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Patients with acute tubular necrosis (ATN) are likely to generate fewer than 400 ml of pee per day during this phase, and they may also have edema due to excessive fluid retention.