FREE ABT Methods in Toxicology Questions and Answers


What is the main advantage of using in vitro methods over in vivo methods in toxicology testing?

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In vitro methods offer a faster, more controlled environment for testing and reduce ethical concerns associated with animal testing.

What does the Ames test evaluate?

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The Ames test is an in vitro assay used to assess the mutagenic potential of chemical compounds by observing their ability to induce mutations in the DNA of bacteria.

Which of the following in vitro methods is commonly used to assess cytotoxicity of chemicals?

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The MTT assay is a colorimetric assay for assessing cell metabolic activity, commonly used to measure cytotoxicity by determining the viability of cells after exposure to chemicals.

What is the purpose of the LD50 test in toxicology?

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The LD50 test is used to determine the dose of a substance that is lethal to 50% of the test population, providing a measure of the substance's acute toxicity.

Which method is used to detect DNA strand breaks in individual cells?

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The Comet assay, also known as single-cell gel electrophoresis, is used to detect DNA strand breaks in individual cells by visualizing DNA migration patterns.

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