FREE ABAT Foundational Knowledge Questions and Answers


David touches Shawn on the shoulder to let him know it is time to go. This is an example of ______ prompt.

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The act of David touching Shawn on the shoulder is a physical prompt. This type of prompt involves using physical contact, such as touch, to communicate a message or signal. In this case, David is using the touch on the shoulder to convey the message that it is time to go.

By altering a variable between a setting event and a behavior we are utilizing what dimension of behavior analysis?

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By altering a variable between a setting event and a behavior, we are utilizing the analytic dimension of behavior analysis. The analytic dimension focuses on identifying functional relationships between variables by systematically manipulating and measuring them. In this case, by altering a variable, we are able to determine if it has an effect on the behavior, allowing us to analyze and understand the relationship between the setting event and the behavior.

Billy receives the punishment and now is very angry with the school and attacks a teacher the following day. This exemplifies which of the following negative effects:

Correct! Wrong!

The given situation of Billy receiving punishment and then attacking a teacher the next day exemplifies the negative effect of "resulting in undesired conditioned emotional responses." This means that Billy's punishment has caused him to develop negative emotions and reactions toward the school, resulting in his aggressive behavior towards the teacher.

Tantruming was extinguished for months and then one day Jimmy decides to throw a tantrum to get candy. This is an example of:

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Spontaneous recovery refers to the reappearance of a previously extinguished behavior after a period of time without reinforcement. In this scenario, Jimmy had stopped tantruming for months, indicating that the behavior had been extinguished. However, he suddenly decides to throw a tantrum to get candy, which suggests a spontaneous recovery of the behavior. This means that even though the behavior had been suppressed, it resurfaced without any apparent reinforcement.

Jerry is showing Shawn how to walk and carry a tray. Shawn really does not like Jerry and would like to work with someone else. This is an example of:

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This scenario is an example of model prestige because Shawn does not want to work with Jerry, indicating that he does not see Jerry as a prestigious or desirable role model. Model prestige refers to the social status or admiration associated with a particular model or person being observed and imitated.

Instructions may be more effective when combined with other procedures such as modeling, rehearsal and:

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Instructions may be more effective when combined with other procedures such as modeling, rehearsal, and prompting. Prompting refers to providing cues or reminders to help individuals remember and follow the instructions. By using prompting, individuals are more likely to successfully carry out the desired actions or behaviors. This can be especially helpful for individuals who may have difficulty remembering or understanding instructions on their own.

Jerry has to climb 25 stairs to get one drop of water. This is an example of:

Correct! Wrong!

This scenario illustrates the concept of great effort in responding with a low probability of the behavior occurring. Jerry has to climb 25 stairs in order to obtain just one drop of water, indicating that he needs to put in a significant amount of physical effort. Additionally, the fact that he needs to climb so many stairs for just a small reward suggests that the behavior of climbing stairs has a low probability of occurring. Therefore, this situation exemplifies the idea of great effort in responding with a low probability of the behavior occurring.

Jesse has been keeping his hands to himself in the classroom for most of the school year. Our best schedule of reinforcement would be the following:

Correct! Wrong!

The best schedule of reinforcement in this situation would be to surprise Jesse with verbal praise when he shares. This is because Jesse has been keeping his hands to himself for most of the school year, indicating that he has already learned the appropriate behavior of not hitting. Providing verbal praise when he shares, it reinforces and encourages this positive behavior, making it more likely for Jesse to continue sharing without hitting in the future.

Which of the following is a guideline for the use of punishment?

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The correct answer is "deliver high intensity every time it is given." This guideline suggests that punishment should be administered consistently and with a high level of intensity every time it is used. This approach aims to ensure that the punishment is effective in discouraging the undesired behavior. By consistently delivering a strong punishment, individuals are more likely to associate the negative consequences with their actions and be deterred from repeating them in the future.

A teacher wants to use extinction to ignore a student's tantrums. She has in the past gone over and given attention and at other times, ignored the behavior. This pattern has gone on for months. This pattern makes the behavior:

Correct! Wrong!

The behavior is more resistant to change because the teacher has unintentionally reinforced the student's tantrums by sometimes giving attention and sometimes ignoring the behavior. This inconsistent pattern of reinforcement has made the behavior more persistent and difficult to eliminate.

Billy states he did not know that he broke a rule because he could not see the rules. Upon your review you discover the rules were not clear in their writing. This demonstrates which variable affects the punishment effectiveness:

Correct! Wrong!

This scenario demonstrates the variable of clarity of rules affecting punishment effectiveness. Billy claims that he did not know he broke a rule because he could not see the rules, indicating that the rules were not clearly written. This lack of clarity in the rules makes it difficult for individuals to understand and follow them, leading to ineffective punishment as people may unintentionally violate the rules due to their unclear nature.

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