Test de citoyenneté britannique

uk british citizenship test online free

Migrants to UK Britain hoping to gain citizenship must get %75 or more on the Life in the UK test, which is the only official government service for getting your UK British Citizenship.

You need to take the test as part of your application for British citizenship or settlement in the UK.

UK British Citizenship Test 1

UK British Citizenship Test 2

UK British Citizenship Test 3

UK British Citizenship Test 4

UK British Citizenship Test 5

UK British Citizenship Test 6

UK British Citizenship Test 7

UK British Citizenship Test 8

UK British Citizenship Test 9

UK British Citizenship Test 10

On the real British test You’ll have 45 minutes to answer 24 questions about British traditions and customs. You’ll be tested on information in the official handbook for the Life in the UK Test (Our questions are based on it) you should study this book to prepare for the test