FLS (Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery) Test Guide

laparoscopic surgery fundamentals

The FLS (Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery) program helps people learn important skills for surgery. It teaches the basics of laparoscopic surgical skills. There are two parts: learning and testing. The learning part has online lessons with topics like surgery tools and how to take care of patients before and after surgery. The test part sees how well students know the medical side, make choices, and use surgical tools carefully. This program is by the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons and the American College of Surgeons. It’s supported by groups like the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology too.

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Key Takeaways

  • The FLS (Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery) test checks if you’re good at laparoscopic surgery, both with your mind and your hands.
  • It has a test on the computer to answer questions and a test in a lab with the FLS Trainer Box to do surgical tasks.
  • You have a short time to finish these tests, and you’re graded on how well and how fast you do them.
  • For surgery students and doctors, it’s important to pass the FLS test to show they can do basic laparoscopic suturing and be precise with surgeries.
  • Many important medical groups back the FLS program. They say it makes people better at practicing surgery and gets them higher scores in surgery tests.

What is the FLS Test?

The FLS (Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery) test assesses knowledge and skills for basic laparoscopic surgery training. It has two parts: a written test and a test of surgical skills assessment. Both parts test potential surgeons on what they know and can do.

FLS Program Components

The FLS program has two parts: education and assessment. The education part has a 13-chapter web course. It teaches about tools, getting ready for surgery, and caring for patients after. This helps candidates learn the cognitive skills assessment needed for the exam.

Assessment Tool

The assessment part tests know-how and decisions surgeons need. It has an online multiple-choice test and a hands-on test. The hands-on test uses the FLS laparoscopic box trainer. By doing well in both parts, candidates show they’re ready for minimally invasive surgery certification and the FLS exam preparation.

laparoscopic skills assessment

FLS (Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery) Test Components

The FLS test looks at two main areas. It looks at a surgeon’s knowledge and skills with simple laparoscopic surgeries. These areas combine to check if a surgeon has the key abilities for safe and good laparoscopic surgery.

Written Component

The written part of the test has 80 multiple-choice questions and is on a computer. It looks at how well a surgeon understands basic laparoscopic surgery. This covers the tools, getting the patient ready, and what to do after the surgery. It checks how well the candidate can solve problems and make choices in different surgery situations.

Manual Skills Component

In the manual skills section, surgeons show how well they can do basic laparoscopic jobs. They use the FLS Laparoscopic Trainer Box for this part. Surgeons do things like moving pegs, cutting with precision, and tying knots both inside and outside the body. Their speed and accuracy in these tasks show how skilled they are at laparoscopic surgery.

FLS certification

This test checks both the knowledge and the practical skills needed in laparoscopic surgery. Passing it shows a surgeon knows the key points and ways to do these surgeries well.

Preparing for the FLS Test

To pass the FLS (Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery) test, surgical residents and laparoscopic surgeons need to study the FLS modules and practice certain manual skills. The FLS training aims at making sure trainees can do laparoscopic surgery safely and effectively. They must reach certain skill levels.

Review FLS Modules

The FLS Program has 14 web-based modules. These cover different parts of laparoscopic surgery like the equipment and what happens before and after the surgery. Candidates should study these modules well. The exam checks their knowledge and decision-making. Knowing the material helps trainees show they can do laparoscopic surgery right.

Practice Manual Skills

In the FLS exam, candidates must show how well they can do certain tasks quickly and accurately. This is tested using the FLS Laparoscopic Trainer Box. Trainees need to get good at tasks like moving the camera, handling objects, and sewing inside the body. Following the training helps them reach the level they need to pass the FLS exam.

FLS Exam RequirementDetails
FLS Score RequirementsThe training program’s standards come from how well experts did after five tries at each task. Following this program, all trainees passed the skills part of the FLS exam.
Surgical Residency RequirementsBefore the end of their third year of training, PGY 3 surgical residents must pass the FLS exam. Passing lets them move on to the next year of their training.
Laparoscopic Simulation TrainingThe FLS training is made for residency programs. It helps trainees reach the level of experts. It suggests using video tutorials for self-training to save on resources.
Endoscopic Technical ProficiencyThe FLS exam tests how well surgeons can move quickly and accurately in a simulated surgery. It includes tasks like using the camera and sewing that are vital for laparoscopic surgery.

By deeply studying the FLS modules and practicing manual skills, surgical residents and future laparoscopic surgeons can get ready for the FLS test. Passing this test is key in their surgical training and becoming certified in laparoscopic skills.


The FLS (Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery) test assesses skills and knowledge for laparoscopic surgery. Passing this test is key for surgical residents, fellows, and doctors. It shows they are experts in the basics of safe surgery.

The data in this article shows how important it is to prepare well for the FLS test. It points out a big difference in passing rates for junior and senior residents in the skills test. This shows the critical need for focused training and practice to gain laparoscopic skills.

The link between self-reported surgical experience and skills scores is also clear. It proves that practical training and regular practice make a big difference. The more practice, the better the surgery results.

Getting ready for both parts of the FLS test makes candidates better at laparoscopic surgery and improves patient care. Using a strong study plan leads to high pass rates, like for the third-year residents. It shows how a good education can really boost the skills of surgical students.


What is the FLS (Fundamentals of Laparoscopic Surgery) program?

The FLS program is all about learning the basic skills needed for laparoscopic surgery. It covers things like what you need to know, problem-solving skills, and the hands-on work. This program aims to teach and test your skills.

What are the components of the FLS program?

The education part has a 13-chapter online course. It teaches about laparoscopic surgery equipment, getting the patient ready, and care after the surgery. The assessment part checks how well you understand these things and how good you are at basic laparoscopic surgeries.


What is the FLS test?

This test checks two things: what you know in your mind and what you can do with your hands in surgery. It’s made up of two parts and is done with someone watching over you.

What are the components of the FLS test?

The test has two main parts. One checks your knowledge by asking questions. The other tests your hands-on skills by making you do simple laparoscopic tasks.

How can I prepare for the FLS test?

Start by going through the online courses. Then, practice with the tools and tasks they talk about. This includes tasks like sewing with a laparoscope, making knots, and moving the camera around.

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