Excel VBA Practice Test


In VBA, which data type contains only two values?

Correct! Wrong!

A Boolean data type is a logical data type with only two possible values: true or false.

Which of the following formulas will produce an integer between 1 and 10, inclusive, with a probability of 10% for each integer?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer :

What is written at the function's end?

Correct! Wrong!

End Function in VBA End is a statement in VBA that has multiple forms in VBA applications; a simple End statement can be placed anywhere in the code and it will automatically stop the execution of the code; end statement is used in many procedures like to end the subprocedure or to end any loop function like End if;

What is the output of expression in VBA? (1O0 OR 00) True/False

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer :

In VBA, what isn't a decision statement?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer :
None of the above

In VBA, what is the output of expressicm 5+1 0?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer :

During the calculation process, rounding errors may occur.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer


In VBA, which of the following is not a data type?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer
None of the above

In Excel, what keyboard shortcut is used to use a breakpoint?

Correct! Wrong!

The f9 key is used to assess the formula's selected parts and see what they return. You select a section of the formula and press the F9 key to see what the formula returns for that section.

What are the OR and XOR operators?

Correct! Wrong!

A logical operator is a symbol or word that connects two or more expressions so that the value of the compound expression created is solely determined by the value of the original expressions and the operator's meaning.

What is the output of expression - 5&1O in VBA?

Correct! Wrong!

In Microsoft Excel, you can use the & operator to split the string values before concatenating them into a single string. In Excel, the & operator can be used as both a worksheet (WS) and a VBA (VBA) function. The & operator is a worksheet function that can be used in a formula in a worksheet cell. As a result,
This operator is a VBA function that can be used in macro code written in the Microsoft Visual Basic Editor.

As a result, the correct answer is 510.

VBA is based on which programming language?

Correct! Wrong!

Visual Basic is the brand name for a set of Microsoft computer languages.

In Excel, what is the shortcut key to open the VBA editor?

Correct! Wrong!

This method, as promised, is the quickest and easiest way to open the VBA editor in Excel. The shortcut "Alt + F11" shows the editor and its windows as they were the last time they were used. The plus (+) indicates that you must hold (i.e., maintain holding) the previous key (s) while pressing the following key when using keyboard shortcuts.

Which of the following is the default data passing method in VBA?

Correct! Wrong!

The term "byRef" refers to passing a variable or an object by reference (memory address)


When you open a workbook in Excel VBA, which event starts macros automatically?

Correct! Wrong!

Is a method for opening an Excel workbook from another Excel workbook. There are 15 possible arguments for the Workbooks.Open function. We can create a particular aspect of how the Workbooks.Open method opens an excel workbook using these 15 optional arguments.

In VBA, what data type is used to store decimal values?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer

Which part of the VBA window corresponds to the code-writing area?

Correct! Wrong!

The code in the visual basic editor is stored in a ".bcf" extension file called a VBA module. You can write code in each module's own code window.

In VBA, which of the following statements is not a looping statement?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer
If Then Goto

What in VBA does not return a value?

Correct! Wrong!

A subroutine is a collection of program instructions that perform a single purpose and are packed together as a unit. This unit can then be used in applications where that specific task needs to be completed.

In VBA, what character indicates the start of a comment?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer

The term "attached text" refers to text that is attached to a cell.

Correct! Wrong!

Comments are statements in VBA programming that are not performed or compiled and are solely used to provide a brief summary of a function, variable, statement, or other object.


In Excel, which of the following is not a chart type?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer
None of the above

If a formula in a cell relates to its own cell directly or indirectly, what is it called?

Correct! Wrong!

A circular reference is a set of references in which the last item refers back to the first, forming a closed loop.

What this demonstrates is a function that is used by another function.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer
Nested Function

What does REM stand for in VBA?

Correct! Wrong!

Use the "REM" Keyword to Insert a Comment in VBA Instead of using an apostrophe, you can start a comment line with the keyword REM. The acronym REM stands for "remarks."