Ethereum Developer Test 2


To create intelligent contracts:

Correct! Wrong!

To prevent problems during updates to the Ethereum platform

Correct! Wrong!

In which location did the #eth2interop lock in occur?

Correct! Wrong!

When developing a game like battleship poker, where you must conceal the values of your opponents,

Correct! Wrong!

What makes unit testing so crucial?

Correct! Wrong!

What videogame mechanics are typically referenced when discussing the balance in opcode pricing?

Correct! Wrong!

Having a bug-bounty program from the beginning...

Correct! Wrong!


It's a good idea to think about smart contracts and the blockchain. Which statemet is TRUE?

Correct! Wrong!

How a smart contract disburses funds

Correct! Wrong!

Including community feedback in your testing

Correct! Wrong!

________ authors the Etthereum white paper.

Correct! Wrong!

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