Epistaxis is a nosebleed. Having them tilt their head back could cause them to aspirate blood, become sick or vomit.
Early signs of shock are increased heart rate and respirations. The patient may also have pale, cool and clammy skin and show signs of hypoxia. Later stages of shock will include a drop in blood pressure.
The only time you want to remove an impaling object is when it is obstructing the airway, as doing so may cause uncontrolled bleeding and even death. Cutting the object will cause the object to move and could result in further injury.
In a pre-hospital setting, you would treat all of the above injuries the same, but this particular injury is a sprain. Sprains occur to the ligaments; dislocations are in the joint; fractures are bone related, and strains are muscle injuries.
The Talus bone is located at the top of the foot and rests between the tibia, fibula, calcaneus, and navicular. In this instance, you want to splint the ankle in order to immobilize it, ice it to reduce swelling, and elevate.
The Occipital region of the brain is located in the posterior (rear) area of the brain and is the most likely to be injured by trauma to the back of the head.
An evisceration is the removal or protrusion of the internal organs.
You want to wrap in sterile dressing to prevent infection and keep it cool with ice. You never want to place the part directly on ice, this could cause it to freeze or become frostbitten. The care given to the patient, and the amputated part, are critical in the success of reattachment.
Any time you have a patient whose condition worsens, you should always reassess them.
When transporting an unconscious patient you should check their vitals every 5 minutes.
AVPU stands for Alert, responds to Verbal stimulus, responds to Painful stimulus, and Unresponsive.
At the age of 16, medically, this patient is considered an adult and therefore, a fall less than 20 feet in height is not considered a significant mechanism of injury.
The best answer is 10 feet. Though depending on the height of the patient, double their height may be greater than 10 feet, the correct answer is anything over 10 feet.
While the patient may be suffering from a basilar skull fracture, you are not able to determine that in the field. The best answer is a severe head injury.
PMS stands for Pulse, Motor function, Sensation. It is especially important to assess for PMS after splinting an extremity.