eJPT Exam 2025

ejpt exam

The eJPT Certification 2025 is designed to give students an understanding of penetration testing methodologies. It also provides practice using various attack techniques. The course material is easy to understand and includes slides, videos, and virtual labs.

The eJPT exam covers assessment methodologies, host and network auditing, exploitation with Metasploit, pivoting via port forwarding, brute force password attacks, hash cracking, and web application penetration testing. This exam is a great first milestone for newcomers to hacking.

Free eJPT Practice Test Online

eJPT Certification

The eJPT certification is a great way for aspiring penetration testers to gain the skills they need. It teaches how to use penetration testing tools and techniques and includes a hands-on lab. The course covers the basics of a penetration test, including scanning, vulnerability assessment and web attacks. It also teaches how to create a pentesting report.

The exam is hands-on and modeled after real-world penetration tests. It tests the candidate’s ability to locate endpoints on a network, identify open ports and services, and manually exploit them. It also tests the candidate’s ability to gather company information from public sources, evaluate information and criticality of vulnerabilities, and assess impact of a breach on the business.

The eJPT is free to take and does not require any prior experience with penetration testing. However, it is recommended that candidates sign up for a starter pass and complete the Penetration Testing Student learning path before taking the eJPT. It is also recommended that you make notes while solving the PTS labs, as this will help you pass the eJPT exam.


INE’s innovative hands-on lab training, global video distribution network, cutting-edge technology, and world-class expert instructors enable students to master cyber security skills and advance their careers. The company is committed to lowering barriers worldwide for students seeking to enter and excel in IT careers.

The eJPT Certification exam is designed to be accessible and practical, ensuring that in the end, students have what it takes to perform as Junior Pentesters in the real world. The exam includes a combination of multiple-choice questions and hands-on labs, and is open book, mirroring the experience Junior Pentesters will have in the real world.

Students will be tested on their ability to enumerate open ports and services, extract file information, locate hidden directories, enumerate web application vulnerabilities and conduct web app reconnaissance with tools such as dirbuster, nmap, smbclient, and Burp Suite. They will also be tested on their ability to perform a pivot through port forwarding, dump user account hashes and passwords from the target system and conduct brute-force login attacks using Metasploit.

ejpt training


The ejpt v2 is a penetration testing certification designed to help aspiring security professionals get started in their careers. The eJPT is a hands-on exam that simulates real-world junior penetration testing tasks. It tests students on a range of penetration testing skills including network and web application penetration testing. Students will learn to enumerate ports and services, locate hidden files and directories, perform reconnaissance and more. The eJPT exam also covers a wide variety of attack techniques, including brute force attacks.

The eJPT is a great way to separate yourself from traditional security certs, such as CompTIA’s A+, Network+ and Security+, and shows you have the skills needed for a career in cyber security. It also introduces the basic concepts of penetration testing and can give you a head start on the OSCP or CEH practical exams.

eJPT Training

The eJPT training is a hands-on certification aimed at those who want to get into pentesting but are not ready for the OSCP exam. This is an excellent option for those who are new to the field of cybersecurity. This is a great way to start your career in penetration testing and will help you prepare for more advanced roles on a red team. It includes prerequisite topics introducing you to penetration testing and information security and offers a learning path that prepares you for an entry-level position within a red team, exposes you to bug bounty basics, and provides the skills necessary to pass the eJPT certification exam.

The eJPT exam is a take-home exam that gives you access to a live network and a series of questions. It is a practical exam that requires you to attack the machines and answer the questions. This is a fantastic approach and it makes the eJPT exam very different from traditional exams. It also demonstrates the power of unhindered performance-based assessment.

eJPT Course

The ejpt course is a hands-on penetration testing certification that provides aspiring cybersecurity professionals with the skills and knowledge needed to perform basic cyber security assessments. It covers the basics of pen testing, as well as more advanced techniques like web application exploitation and reverse engineering. This makes it a great choice for people who want to break into the field of information security but aren’t ready to commit to OSCP or CEH.

The course starts with instructional material to familiarize students with the penetration testing process and then moves on to more advanced topics such as wireless exploitation and vulnerability identification. The exam is based on real-world scenarios and requires the use of tools such as Metasploit. Those who successfully complete the eJPT will be able to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in web applications, locate hidden files and directories, and conduct a brute-force login attack.

While a degree isn’t required, it’s recommended to have at least some technical experience. Moreover, a background in computer science can be beneficial for those wishing to become penetration testers.

ejpt study guide

eJPT Starter Pass

The eJPT is a great starter pass for anyone interested in penetration testing. This course teaches the fundamentals of penetration testing, including tools and techniques used by professional penetration testers. It also provides practice with hands-on labs that help prepare you for the exam. The course offers a variety of different tools, and is free to access.

Unlike other penetration test certifications, the eJPT course uses real-world attack scenarios to mimic the experience of a junior penetration tester. It covers assessment methodologies and enterprise auditing, as well as host, network, and web application penetration testing. Moreover, completing the eJPT qualification will earn you 40 CPE credit points.

The eJPT starter pass is available for free from INE, which includes access to the corresponding course and a virtual lab to get started. However, you must sign in to INE before you can take the exam. Once you do, you’ll be able to get started on your path to becoming a junior penetration tester. You’ll even be able to use CherryTree, which comes by default on the latest Kali Linux, to document your work.

eJPT Study Guide

The eJPT study guide includes slides and videos to help you learn about penetration testing techniques. You can also practice your skills with the included black-box penetration labs. The course material is easy to understand and provides a great foundation for learning penetration testing. I recommend studying it thoroughly and taking good notes, as you will need to use your knowledge during the exam.

Whether you want to become a penetration tester or simply gain an understanding of how hacking works, the eJPT certification is a great starting point. This online program covers various penetration testing methodologies and is ideal for anyone with a technical background. You can gain the necessary skills and knowledge from various sources, including free online resources, bootcamps, technical programs and schools, or internships.

This is a beginner’s penetration testing exam and does not require any programming experience. However, if you’re planning to pursue a career in penetration testing, then a basic level of computer programming will be beneficial. Another great resource to check out is HackTricks, a repo that has a lot of useful tips and tricks on how to become a penetration tester.

eJPT Exam Preparation

The eJPT is an online penetration testing certification that can be taken from anywhere. It is designed to be the first step in a career in cybersecurity and simulates real-world pentesting engagements. Whether you’re looking for your first job or a new career, the eJPT can help you stand out from the competition.

The exam is open book and not proctored, which gives you a lot of freedom and flexibility during your penetration test. It is structured around 20 multiple choice questions, and you have to answer at least 15 correctly to pass. It’s a fairly easy exam, but it still requires knowledge of hacking techniques and understanding the basics of networking.

During the eJPT exam, it’s important to keep track of everything you do. Make sure to take screenshots and name them or time-stamp them, save all of your scan outputs, and keep a centralized location for your tools. This way, you won’t forget anything. It’s also helpful to create mind-maps and diagrams to keep track of your progress.

eLearnSecurity Junior Penetration Tester (eJPT) Questions and Answers

The eJPTv2 certification exam will be accessible after payment through your my.ine.com account, and the voucher is valid for 180 days.

  • Review the course materials, lectures, videos, and labs before taking the exam, as they contain everything you need to know.
  • Practice your skills on CTF challenges and platforms like TryHackMe, as they can help you learn by solving interactive and fun scenarios.
  • Map out the network topology and the IP addresses and ports of the devices on the network using tools like Nmap.
  • Think logically about what devices are in a real-life network, such as routers, and how they can help you route packets to another network. Use commands like route, traceroute, ping, arp, or ip neigh to view or modify your routing table and ARP table.
  • Use different exploitation techniques for different targets, such as HTTP verbs, Metasploit, password cracking, etc., depending on the vulnerability and service. – Keep track of your findings and document them clearly, as you will need them to answer the questions.

There are different ways to prepare for the ejpt exam, depending on your learning style and experience level. Here are some common steps and resources that found from various sources:

  • Enroll in the free Starter Pass learning path on INE called Penetration Testing Student (PTS). This learning path covers all the essential penetration testing skills and concepts that you need to know for the exam, such as networking, web technologies, vulnerability assessment, exploitation, metasploit, etc.
  • Take notes while studying the PTS course and solve all the labs sequentially while proceeding with the course. Note down the commands used and adapt the procedure followed while solving the labs in the PTS course.
  • Review the course materials, lectures, videos, and labs before taking the exam, as they contain everything you need to know.
  • Practice your skills on CTF challenges and platforms like TryHackMe, as they can help you learn by solving interactive and fun scenarios.
  • Map out the network topology and the IP addresses and ports of the devices on the network using tools like Nmap.
  • Think logically about what devices are in a real-life network, such as routers, and how they can help you route packets to another network. Use commands like route, traceroute, ping, arp, or ip neigh to view or modify your routing table and ARP table.
  • Use different exploitation techniques for different targets, such as HTTP verbs, metasploit, password cracking, etc., depending on the vulnerability and service.
  • Keep track of your findings and document them clearly, as you will need them to answer the questions.

The cost of taking the ejpt exam is $200 USD. On INE, the Penetration Testing Student (PTS) study path, the course that gets you ready for the test, is free. Access all the videos, lectures, labs, and practice exams that teach the fundamental penetration testing skills and concepts by enrolling in this study route with the free Starter Pass.

The ejpt certification verifies your abilities as a beginning penetration tester through practical training in information security fundamentals and penetration testing. Although certain employers and experts in the cybersecurity industry recognize it, it is not as well-known or as extensively used as other certificates like CEH or OSCP.

If you are interested in learning and demonstrating the fundamental penetration testing abilities and concepts in a real-world, hands-on setting, the ejpt certification is valuable. Additionally, it can aid in your preparation for more difficult certifications like OSCP or eCPPT.

The eLearnSecurity Jr. Penetration Tester exam (eJPT) verifies that the individual possesses the knowledge and abilities required to perform as an entry-level penetration tester.

The eLearnSecurity Junior Penetration Tester certification is referred to as the ejpt. This certification, which verifies your competence as a beginner penetration tester, is 100% practical and covers information security fundamentals.

A policy parameter called “maximum Windows password age” establishes how long (in days) a password can be used before the system asks the user to reset it. Windows’ maximum password age is set by default to 42 days. Passwords may be made to expire after a specific number of days, ranging from 1 to 999, or they may be configured to never expire by setting the number of days to 0. Using the Local Security Policy or the Command Prompt, the maximum password age policy setting can be modified.

You can take the ejpt exam at your own leisure and convenience since it is not proctored; thus, you won’t be under any outside supervision. You have 72 hours to finish the test and respond to 20 multiple-choice questions based on your research on a network of computers that you must enumerate, exploit, pivot, and maybe elevate privileges on.