EJU (Examination for Japanese University) Test Prep Guide

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International students aiming to study in Japan face the EJU (Examination for Japanese University). This standardized test checks their Japanese skills and academic capabilities. In this guide, we offer expert advice, practice tests, and strategies to help you succeed on the EJU. By following our tips, you’ll increase your chances of gaining admission to your dream Japanese university.

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Key Takeaways

  • The EJU is a critical requirement for international students applying to over 60% of Japanese universities.
  • The exam is held twice a year, in June and November, with test locations in Japan and 13 countries/regions worldwide.
  • EJU scores are valid for two years, making it a valuable investment for your educational journey in Japan.
  • Proficiency in Japanese language (JLPT) and English (TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC) are often prerequisites for EJU.
  • Comprehensive preparation, including practice tests and strategies, is essential to excel on the EJU and secure your place at a top Japanese university.

Understanding the EJU Test Structure

The EJU is a test for those wanting to study in Japan. It looks at how ready you are for university. The test has different subjects and checks what you know and can do. This helps universities see your academic skills well.

Question Subjects and Formats

There are four subjects in the EJU: Japanese, Comprehensive Subjects, Mathematics, and Science. You can pick one to three subjects, based on what the university you want to join asks for.

The Japanese part of the test checks academic Japanese. It has writing, reading, and listening parts. The Comprehensive Subjects part looks at your basic knowledge in subjects like civics, geography, and history. Math and Science test your skills in those topics too.

The test mixes multiple-choice and written answers. You get 80-80 minutes for each part you take.

  • The Japanese part tests academic Japanese through writing, reading, and listening.
  • The Comprehensive Subjects part checks your knowledge in areas like civics, geography, and history.
  • The Mathematics and Science parts see how much you know in those subjects.
  • There are different types of questions, not just multiple-choice or written answers.
  • You have 80-80 minutes to finish each part of the EJU.
japanese language

Knowing how the EJU test works helps you get ready for studying in Japan. It lets you plan how to show your best on the test.

EJU (Examination for Japanese University) Test Preparation Strategies

Getting ready for the EJU (Examination for Japanese University) exam needs a solid plan for winning results. Start by getting to know the test’s format and what it covers. You can do this by looking at past exams. These are on the EJU website and in bookstores in Japan.

To ace the exam, you need to be strong in areas like Japanese language, humanities, math, and science. Doing lots of practice questions helps a bunch. It highlights what you already know well and what you should study more. Taking an EJU prep course can also be a big help. You get tips and support from teachers who know their stuff.

Keep in mind, different Japanese universities have different requirements. Some may focus more on certain parts of the EJU test. Make sure you review each school’s rules carefully. Tailoring your study plan to meet these specific needs is smart.

  • Review past EJU exam questions to familiarize yourself with the test format and content.
  • Develop a strong foundation in the subject areas covered, such as Japanese language, humanities, mathematics, and science.
  • Practice regularly with sample questions to reinforce your knowledge and identify areas for improvement.
  • Consider enrolling in an EJU preparation course for guidance and support from experienced instructors.
  • Research the specific subject requirements for the Japanese universities you are interested in to ensure your preparation aligns with their preferences.

By sticking to these key eju test prep tips, you’ll step up your game for the EJU exam. Plus, you’ll boost your chances of getting into the Japanese university you dream of.

Eligibility and Application Process

The EJU exam is for international students who want to study in Japan at the undergraduate level. It is run by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO). This group works closely with many others, like Japan’s Ministry of Education and Japanese universities. They help students both in Japan and overseas.

Applicants must meet certain criteria to take the EJU. They should want to study in Japan at the undergraduate level. Also, they should have finished or be finishing 12 years of school. Plus, they might need to meet other requirements from the Japanese university they’re applying to.

Examination Administrator and Purpose

The EJU tests your Japanese language skills and your academic abilities. This ensures you’re ready for university in Japan. The exam happens in both June and November. You can take it in Japan or in various countries across the globe.

In 2021, over 55,000 students applied for the EJU. About 40% were from outside Japan. Many paid the exam fee with a credit card or at a convenience store. Some applied in groups, but this was a smaller number.

Examination AttributeStatistic
Total EJU applications in 202155,000+
Percentage of applications from outside Japan40%
Percentage of applicants using credit card or convenience store payment80%
Percentage of applicants using group application format20%

The EJU is important for those wanting to study in Japan. Over 800 universities there need or prefer to see your EJU scores. This shows how well you know Japanese and your academic abilities.

international students


The EJU (Examination for Japanese University) is key for international students wanting to study in Japan. By learning about the test, preparing well with eju test prep tips, and understanding how to apply, you can improve your chances. This guide has given you everything you need to ace the EJU and move closer to your dreams in Japan.

The japanese university entrance exam might seem tough, but good prep and a positive attitude can help. Stay consistent and work hard to understand the test’s topics. Using the tips in this guide will help you do your best on the EJU.

See the EJU as a way to show Japan your skills and desire to learn. With a good plan and hard work, you can open the door to studying in this amazing country. Good luck on your EJU journey!


What is the EJU (Examination for Japanese University)?

The EJU tests how well you know Japanese and some basic academic skills. It’s for students from other countries who want to study at a Japanese university. The test is run in Japan by the Japan Student Services Organization along with help from the government and universities.

What subjects are covered in the EJU?

Four main subjects are on the EJU: Japanese, Comprehensive Subjects, Mathematics, and Science. You can pick 1-3 subjects to focus on. Which ones you choose depends on the university’s requirements.

What is the format and structure of the EJU?

The EJU has both multiple-choice and written questions. The Japanese section tests your academic Japanese skills through writing, reading, and listening tasks. The other parts check your general academic knowledge in different areas.

How can I prepare for the EJU?

Getting ready for the EJU means knowing what to expect and studying hard. Look at old test questions to get a feel for the format and type of content. Build a strong base in the subjects, and do lots of practice questions. Joining a prep course can also give you extra help and tips.

Who is eligible to take the EJU?

Any international student aspiring to study at a Japanese university can take the EJU. It’s organized by the Japan Student Services Organization, which partners with several ministries and educational institutions. They work together to make this test available in Japan and several places abroad.

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