Ear Health Test


Typically, a cold comes first before an ear infection.

Correct! Wrong!

When infections that cause sore throats, colds, or other respiratory or breathing issues travel to the middle ear, it frequently results in otitis media.

Only newborns and young children are typically affected by otitis media.

Correct! Wrong!

But adults can also be afflicted by this disease. Children's maturing immune systems make them more susceptible to middle ear infections. The eustachian tubes in children are shorter and more straight than those in adults.

The main component of the ear affected by otitis media is the eustachian tube.

Correct! Wrong!

Normally, the eustachian tube is closed. However, it frequently opens to let air into the middle ear. The middle ear's air pressure is also balanced by this tube. A clogged eustachian tube cannot open for a variety of reasons, including swelling of the tube's lining, mucus from a cold, or other obstructions. It's possible for fluid from the tissue lining the middle ear to accumulate when there isn't enough fresh air. The fluid cannot drain and starts to accumulate in the normally air-filled middle ear if the eustachian tube is blocked.

Otitis media is also influenced by the adenoids.

Correct! Wrong!

In comparison to adults, children have larger adenoids. Lymphocytes, which aid in the fight against infections, make up the majority of adenoids. They are located close to the eustachian tubes in the back of the nose. The eustachian tube can be prevented from opening by enlarged adenoids. Adenoids themselves may get an infection as well. The eustachian tubes may get infected with this condition.

Fever and ear pain are two signs of otitis media.

Correct! Wrong!

Children who have otitis media may experience severe pain. They may become angrier than usual as a result. They could sob while pulling or tugging at one or both ears. The inability to fall asleep, losing one's equilibrium, and ear fluid coming out are further symptoms. Quiet noises can not get the child's attention.v

Children who reside in smoking-filled homes are more prone to get otitis media.

Correct! Wrong!

Additionally, the condition is more likely to strike kids who attend daycare. Babies that get a bottle while lying down are at risk.

A middle ear infection is known as ear infection or acute otitis media.

Correct! Wrong!

Otitis media is an ear infection that develops in the middle ear and results in swelling, redness, and fluid accumulation behind the eardrum.

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