Duolingo Spanish Practice Test


Which of the following is "the boy"?

Correct! Wrong!

"The boy" in Spanish is "el niño."

Which among the following is "the man"?

Correct! Wrong!

"The man" in Spanish is "el hombre."

Which of the following is "the woman"?

Correct! Wrong!

"The woman" in Spanish is "la mujer."

What's the correct way to state "I am"?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct way to state "I am" in Spanish is "soy."

What does "Mucho gusto" means?

Correct! Wrong!

"Mucho gusto" in Spanish means "Nice to meet you."

What does "Buenas noche" means?

Correct! Wrong!

"Buenas noches" in Spanish means "Good evening" or "Good night."

What is the meaning of "Buenos días"?

Correct! Wrong!

"Buenos días" in Spanish means "Good morning" or "Good day."


What is the meaning of Perdón?

Correct! Wrong!

"Perdón" in Spanish means "Sorry" or "Pardon." It is usually used to ask for forgiveness, to politely interrupt or get someone's attention.

What does "El pan, por favor" means?

Correct! Wrong!

"El pan, por favor" in Spanish means "The bread, please."

What does "Sí, gracias' means?

Correct! Wrong!

"Sí, gracias" in Spanish means "Yes, thank you."

What best describe the phrase "Ella no es una niña"?

Correct! Wrong!

The phrase "Ella no es una niña" in Spanish means "She is not a girl." It describes the absence of the characteristic of being a girl in reference to someone (Ella).

What is the meaning of "Lo siento"?

Correct! Wrong!

"Lo siento" in Spanish means "I'm sorry" or "I apologize." It is a phrase used to express regret or to apologize for something.

"No, nada" means?

Correct! Wrong!

"No, nada" in Spanish means "No, nothing" or "No, not at all." It is a response indicating a negative answer or the absence of something.

What is the meaning of "Adiós, disculpe"?

Correct! Wrong!

"The phrase "Adiós, disculpe" in Spanish has two distinct parts:
"Adiós" means "Goodbye" or "Farewell." It is a common way to say goodbye when parting from someone.
"Disculpe" means "Excuse me" or "I'm sorry." It is used to politely get someone's attention or to apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Therefore, "Adiós, disculpe" can be understood as "Goodbye, excuse me".


What is the meaning of "Hablas español"?

Correct! Wrong!

The phrase "Hablas español" in Spanish means "Do you speak Spanish?" It is a question asking if someone is able to communicate in the Spanish language.

What is the meaning of "Yo no hablo inglés"?

Correct! Wrong!

The phrase "Yo no hablo inglés" in Spanish means "I don't speak English." It is a statement indicating that the person does not possess the ability to communicate in the English language.

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