DSST History of the Vietnam War Exam Practice Test 2


Dien Bien Phu marked the end of the French colonial rule in Vietnam. The best way to explain Dien Bien Phu is:

Correct! Wrong!

An important concept to know is that Ho Chi Minh’s original guerrilla army was termed the Viet Minh. The Viet Cong (or Vietcong) was a term used much later when the Americans had arrived in the country. While both terms refer to Ho’s guerrilla fighters, the use of one term will define the struggle against the French and the other will describe the conflict against the Americans.

Despite American training and equipment, the Army of the Republic of Vietnam is unable to combat the Viet Cong insurgency. With increasing strength and influence, the Viet Cong announced the formation of the National Liberation Front (NLF), which would serve as the...

Correct! Wrong!

The National Liberation Front served as political arm of the communist Viet Cong to put an end to Diem regime. Yes, NLF is not an army or combatants. And, no, this is not the National Football League in the USA.

The colonial French were reinstated as Vietnam's rulers:

Correct! Wrong!

The situation in Vietnam at the end of World War II was muddled, to say the least. Ho probably made the smart move in compromising with the French colonialists so that he could get rid of Chiang’s Chinese forces who occupied the north. The British were in control of the country below the 16th parallel. Ho regarded French colonial rule as the least of all evils, knowing it would be temporary, and because he gained considerable autonomy for Vietnam with the agreement

When the USS Maddox was attacked by North Vietnamese in the Gulf of Tonkin, the Vietnam War escalated. As a result, this President issued orders to bomb North Vietnam in a systematic manner.

Correct! Wrong!

The question's challenge here is to recall when USS Maddox was sent. Remember that the vessel was sent for an intelligent mission following the assassination of John F. Kennedy. So the will be his successor President Lyndon Johnson.

The French commanders at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu were confident that they could defeat the Viet Minh and begin peace talks because:

Correct! Wrong!

The French command was significantly outnumbered at the battle of Dien Bien Phu, so “B” would be the wrong choice. The French also respected the fighting abilities of their foes and considered them a match for their own experienced forces; therefore, answer “D” is a false statement. While option “C” is a largely true statement, the Viet Minh were also entrenched around the hillsides and had artillery at their disposal. In fact, the Viets had accomplished a miracle of supply; they had plenty of ammo, artillery, and fighters, and were very well supplied. Answer “A” is the right answer; that’s what the French believed. They were wrong, of course.

The Vietnamese communists' Tet Offensive failed to overturn the South Vietnamese government, but it was considered a strategic victory for the North because...

Correct! Wrong!

The massive surprise attack, Tet Offensive, by North Vietnamese was a turning point to the unstable alliance between U.S. and South Vietnam as Americans changed their perception on war drawing withdrawal of support to South Vietnam. Although the North was not successful in reacquiring territories and getting resources, it was a first step in changing the war.

Operation Vulture could have changed the tide in favor of the surrounded French soldiers at Dien Bien Phu if it had been successful. The code name for Operation Vulture was:

Correct! Wrong!

General Eisenhower ultimately decided against implementing a plan to send 200 bombers from Manila to destroy Giap’s forces.


Vietnam acquiesced to foreign authority at first, but eventually fought back. Political upheavals against French reliance and Japanese occupation, as well as communist insurgency, erupted as a result. What fundamental changes in Vietnam's political landscape occurred after World War II, when the monarchy was abolished?

Correct! Wrong!

So use your visuals here, when do these events took place? Well, after the end monarchial regime in Vietnam, the Republic of Vietnam was finally established. For this type of questions, your familiarity with the significant events will give you the right . Before World War II, Vietnam is under domination of the French. It falls on the hands of Japanese forces during the war but through the resistance of communist group founded by Ho Chi Minh, he freed the country from colonialism and proclaimed establishment of Republic of Vietnam.

The country of Vietnam was divided at the 16th parallel for the following reasons:

Correct! Wrong!

The country was partitioned merely as the result of an agreement between the major powers. However, the United States was not a signatory to the Geneva agreement, leaving open the option of future military aid to South Vietnam.

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