DMV Roads and Signs Test #2


What should you do if you're planning on turning left and you see this sign?

Correct! Wrong!

A sign that says "left turn yield on green" indicates that vehicles traveling in the left turn lane are permitted to make a turn, but only if the lane directly in front of them is clear.

The meaning of this sign is ?

Correct! Wrong!

The sign warns and instructs vehicles moving at a slow speed to move over to the right-hand lane to allow vehicles traveling faster to pass. The installation of the Slower Traffic Keep Right sign typically results in an improvement to the flow of traffic in the inside lane, which may also result in a reduction in unnecessary weaving.

The meaning of this sign is

Correct! Wrong!

When you see a sign that says "Divided Highway," it indicates that the two lanes of opposing traffic on the highway that's ahead of you are separated by a physical barrier or median of some kind, such as a guardrail, a concrete barrier, or a strip of land.

If you come across this sign, what action should you take?

Correct! Wrong!

It is required that a STOP (R1-1) sign be utilized whenever a sign is used to indicate that traffic must always come to a complete stop. First come to a complete stop, and only proceed once it is safe to do so. The shape of the STOP sign must be an octagon, and it must have white lettering and a white border against a red background.

What does this sign stand for?

Correct! Wrong!

As indicated by this sign, a steep hill lies ahead, so please use caution. To maintain control of your speed and prevent damage to your brakes, you should reduce your speed and be prepared to shift down to a lower gear.

What does this sign represent?

Correct! Wrong!

This sign advises drivers to reduce their speed and keep an eye out for traffic approaching from the opposite direction because the bridge they are about to cross is relatively confined. This averts any potential accidents.

What does this sign represent?

Correct! Wrong!

Signs indicating traffic in both directions are placed before or on two-way roadways. These signs indicate to drivers that they are about to exit a road that only goes in one direction and enter a road with traffic going in the opposite direction. Because of this, the driver may find it more difficult to freely pass other vehicles.


What does this sign stand for?

Correct! Wrong!

This sign indicates that making a U-turn is not permitted. At this intersection, you are allowed to turn to the left; however, you are not permitted to make a complete turn to go in the other direction.

What does this sign stand for?

Correct! Wrong!

On expressways, merge signs are posted immediately before the on- and off-ramps. Drivers who enter the roadway from the right must give way to vehicles traveling on the primary thoroughfare and must use the speed-change lanes to merge into the immediate traffic flow safely and smoothly.

The purpose of this sign is to prevent.

Correct! Wrong!

A regulatory sign is represented by the "do not enter" symbol. When approaching a road, off-ramp, exit ramp, or crossover displaying a "do not enter" sign, motorists must refrain from driving onto the roadway. In most cases, "do not enter" signs point to opposing traffic, which means that vehicles will be approaching the driver from the opposite direction.

What does this warning mean?

Correct! Wrong!

"Sharp right turn ahead, 25 mph speed limit" is a traffic sign that provides instructions to drivers about an upcoming road condition.

What does this warning mean?

Correct! Wrong!

"Divided highway begins, two-lane highway ends" is a traffic sign that informs drivers about a change in the road configuration ahead.

What is the meaning of this sign?

Correct! Wrong!

"Traffic light ahead" is a sign that alerts drivers about the presence of a traffic signal or traffic light at an upcoming intersection or junction. This sign is usually placed a short distance before the intersection to provide drivers with advance notice.

What is the meaning of this sign?

Correct! Wrong!

"Right turn not permitted if you have a red light" means that when a traffic light is displaying a red signal, vehicles are not allowed to make a right turn at that intersection. This rule applies to situations where there is a specific sign or signal prohibiting right turns on red.


When you notice this sign, what should you do?

Correct! Wrong!

"Slow down to no more than 15 mph because a school zone is ahead" is a directive that informs drivers to reduce their speed to a maximum of 15 miles per hour (mph) because they are approaching a school zone.

What is the meaning of this sign?

Correct! Wrong!

"No left turns permitted" means that drivers are not allowed to make left turns at a specific location or intersection. This instruction is typically indicated by signs or signals placed at the intersection.

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