DMV Roads and Signs Test #1


The meaning of this sign is?

Correct! Wrong!

Crossroads was formed by a T. One of the traffic signs located at the intersection. The path you are currently traveling on comes to an end up ahead. Before making the turn, you should slow down and get ready to stop.

The road ahead has a sign that says "U-Turn Only"

Correct! Wrong!

This sign indicates that drivers are allowed to make a U-turn from this lane. On the other hand, it does not have a restriction that states "u-turns only," so the driver has the option of continuing forward or turning around.

The meaning of this sign is?

Correct! Wrong!

Traffic that only moves in one direction is referred to as one-way traffic (also written as uni-directional traffic). A street is said to be a one-way street if it only allows traffic in one direction or was built to direct traffic in just one direction.

The meaning of this sign is?

Correct! Wrong!

The access road joins the highway on the right. One of the traffic warning signs at an intersection can assist you in navigating your way through an approaching intersection.

If you come across this sign, what action should you take?

Correct! Wrong!

The purpose of a sign that reads "Road Closed Ahead" is to make motorists aware that the road in front of them is closed and that they will need to find an alternate route to reach their destination. This orange temporary traffic control sign reads "Road Closed," It can be purchased in various sizes and made of a few different reflective materials.

What does this sign stand for?

Correct! Wrong!

When there are four ways to enter an intersection, the vehicle that enters the intersection first has the right of way. This rule will always be enforced when it is obvious that someone has arrived at the stop sign first, regardless of where the vehicle is located or in what direction it is traveling. Be wary of other motorists who might disregard this rule if they are irritable or distracted.

What does this sign stand for?

Correct! Wrong!

Drivers who see the ROUNDABOUT AHEAD Sign will know that they are getting close to an intersection with a roundabout and should proceed cautiously.


The meaning of this sign is?

Correct! Wrong!

A sign that says "Sharp Turn Advisory Speed Limit" indicates that you will soon be making a sharp turn in the opposite direction of the arrow. It is strongly suggested that you take the turn at a speed no higher than the recommended speed limit displayed on the sign.

The meaning of this sign is?

Correct! Wrong!

Ahead of and within road construction zones, flagger ahead signs are utilized to alert drivers to the presence of flaggers directing traffic ahead of the zone. These flaggers may be located on or near the roadway.

The meaning of this sign is?

Correct! Wrong!

Assembly for Caution at the School Crosswalk A school crossing is ahead; the direction of the arrow indicates where the crossing will take place. In most cases, the installation occurs at the marked crosswalk or as close to it as is physically possible. Reduce your speed, always be ready to stop, and watch pedestrians carrying children.

What kind of a sign is this?

Correct! Wrong!

The various state highway departments are responsible for designing the signs used along state routes. The shape of the State Route sign should be a rectangle, and its dimensions should be comparable to those of the United States Route sign.

What kind of a sign is this?

Correct! Wrong!

A sharp depression in the profile of the road can be signaled with the DIP (W8-2) sign, which serves as a warning to drivers. On a yellow background, this sign is in the shape of a diamond and has a border and legend in black.

This warning sign means?

Correct! Wrong!

The sign that says "dead end" is a cautionary sign. A cul-de-sac sign or a dead-end sign is a sign that is placed at the beginning of a road or street to alert drivers that the road or street they are about to travel on ends in a dead-end. Drivers who come across a sign indicating a dead end should be alerted that the street they are currently traveling on does not continue to another street.

What does this cautionary sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

It is possible to utilize the Playground (W15-1) sign to provide forewarning of a designated children's playground that is situated adjacent to the road. There is a possibility that the background of the Playground sign will be fluorescent yellow or green and that the legend and border will be black.


This warning sign means?

Correct! Wrong!

The informational messages or images on this Right Curve Ahead Sign are intended to address concerns regarding the safety of both drivers and pedestrians. A Right Curve Ahead Sign is a helpful tool that can assist in protecting people's health and safety on roadways; however, it is not intended to replace required protective measures that eliminate or reduce hazards.

This warning sign means?

Correct! Wrong!

The term "disabled parking space" refers to a designated parking spot in a car park that is clearly labeled as reserved exclusively for disabled drivers.

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