DMV Alabama Permit Test #1


Is it legal for teenage drivers to talk on their cell phones while driving?

Correct! Wrong!

Except to report an emergency, underage drivers are not permitted to use cell phones while driving.

Which of the following drinks has a normal 1.5 ounce serving of alcohol in it?

Correct! Wrong!

Regardless of the type of alcohol, one drink typically contains one and a half ounces.

In Alabama, what type of driver's license endorsement is required to operate regular passenger cars?

Correct! Wrong!

A regular passenger car can be operated with an Alabama driver's license with a class D endorsement. [Chapter 1 of the Alabama DPS Driver Manual, Determining Which Class of License You Need, Your License to Drive]

Which kind of Alabama driver's licenses are not subject to revocation or suspension?

Correct! Wrong!

A learner's license in Alabama can be cancelled or suspended for the same reasons as a normal driver's license can. [Your License To Drive, Chapter 1, Alabama Driver Manual, Learner License/Restricted License]

Driving another person's vehicle without their consent might lead to

Correct! Wrong!

Your Alabama driver's license may be suspended for an indefinite period of time if you illegally operate another person's car without their permission. [Chapter 2 of the Alabama DPS Driver Manual, Revocation, You May Lose Your License]

Your license will be suspended for ________ days, or until you reach 18, whichever comes first, if you commit more than one traffic offense while restricted under the Alabama Graduated Driver's License Program.

Correct! Wrong!

If a driver's license is suspended for more than one traffic offense while under the restrictions of Alabama's Graduated Drivers License Program, the driver's license will be suspended for 60 days or until the driver reaches the age of 18, whichever comes first. [Attention 15, 16, and 17-year-old drivers!] Act# 02—408, Alabama DPS Driver Manual] GDL—Act# 02—408, Alabama DPS Driver Manual]

A driver's license in Alabama will be suspended for ________ if they acquire 24 or more points in that time.

Correct! Wrong!

A driver's license will be suspended for one year if he or she accumulates 24 or more points in a two-year period. [Alabama DPS Driver Manual, Chapter 2, The Alabama Point System, You May Lose Your License]


You will not be able to receive a driver's license in Alabama if you are under the age of 19 and have not ________ .

Correct! Wrong!

If a citizen of Alabama is under the age of 19 and is not actively enrolled in school, has not completed high school, or has not received his or her GED, he or she will not be able to obtain a driver's license until he or she turns 19. [Who Cannot Be Licensed, Chapter 1 of the Alabama DPS Driver Manual, Who Cannot Be Licensed]

Which of the following is NOT an alcohol-related effect?

Correct! Wrong!

Alcohol can cause blurred eyesight, slowed responses, and impaired judgment. Alcohol has no effect on alertness.

In the event that there is a large puddle up ahead on the road, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

To avoid sliding around on slick surfaces, you should steer clear of particularly slippery areas, such as ice patches, wet leaves, oil, or deep puddles. When it comes to driving, the most secure surface is dry and solid.

Share your personal information, including your name, address, and vehicle registration number, with the other drivers involved in the accident:

Correct! Wrong!

When you are in a collision, you are required to stop immediately. No matter the circumstances, you are required to produce your driver's license and provide the other drivers involved with your name, address, and information regarding your vehicle registration.

When approaching a school bus that is stopped with its lights flashing and its signal arm extended, you are required to do:

Correct! Wrong!

If you come up behind a school bus that is stopped with its lights flashing and its signal arm extended, you must come to a complete stop and remain stopped until the signal arm is pulled back and the bus starts moving again. If you do not control it, you risk being ticketed. This law applies to you even if you are approaching the bus from the opposite side of the street or traveling in the same direction as the bus.

Always remember to turn on your headlights when the weather is cloudy, rainy, or snowy:

Correct! Wrong!

It may be difficult for other drivers to see your vehicle on days when there is rain, snow, or fog in the air. When the weather is like this, having headlights on your car makes it easier to see. You must turn on your low beam headlights and turn on your windshield wipers if the weather conditions need you to do so.

Drowsiness, similar to the effects of alcohol and other drugs, can:

Correct! Wrong!

The inability to get enough sleep is a contributor to unsafe driving behavior. A slowed reaction time decreased awareness, and impaired judgment is all symptoms of sleepiness, just as they are of the effects of drugs and alcohol.


One yellow line is solid, and one yellow line is broken; both mark the centre of the roadway. If the broken yellow line is directly next to the traffic lane in which you are travelling, this means the following:

Correct! Wrong!

It is legal to pass on the side of the road adjacent to the broken yellow line in the middle of the road when there is both a solid yellow line and a broken yellow line in the centre of the road.

Even though the light is red, a police officer will tell you to proceed through the intersection regardless. WHAT SHOULD YOU DO?

Correct! Wrong!

Do as the officer tells you

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