DKT Test ( Negligent Driving) #2


When entering or exiting a driveway, you must do____.

Correct! Wrong!

Bicyclists, motorists, and pedestrians all have the right of way.

This route has a speed limit of 90 km/h. You've just passed another car in the left lane. What do you think you should do next?

Correct! Wrong!

After you've completed your overtaking maneuver, return to the left lane.

The road has a speed limit of 100 km/h. When is it OK to use the right lane?

Correct! Wrong!

The right lane should only be used for overtaking and turning right.

On a narrow road nearing the crest (peak of a hill), the safest practice is to:

Correct! Wrong!

Slowing down offers other vehicles more room while staying to the left, providing you more time to halt if you reach the crest and notice a previously hidden hazard on the other side.

When driving near parked cars, remember to:

Correct! Wrong!

As they pull out of the parking lot, parked vehicles may not notice you. Children may also emerge from the shadows of parked cars. If necessary, be ready to come to a stop.

You're in the left lane and want to make a right turn at the intersection. When you shift to the right lane, a car behind you honks at you. What exactly did you do wrong?

Correct! Wrong!

You've crossed an uninterrupted line, which is illegal unless you're turning into a driveway.

If you're convicted of dangerous driving, you'll face the following penalties:

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer:
You could lose your license and you may be sent to prison.


If you are caught speeding through a construction zone, you will face the following penalties:

Correct! Wrong!

Because of the added hazards, speed limits are reduced in road work zones. Speeding through a construction zone is dangerous and will result in a fine and penalty points.

When passing another vehicle, do not move back in front of it unless:

Correct! Wrong!

Returning to the left lane too soon may result in a collision with the vehicle you're passing. It's vital to wait until you can see the overtaken vehicle in your rearview mirror if you're driving a longer vehicle.

The first thing you should do before overtaking another vehicle is:

Correct! Wrong!

Depending on how soon your car can reach the speed limit and how long it will take you to pass the other car while driving the speed limit, you must make sure you have enough space to pass. Additionally, you must look for firm lines on the road that indicate no passing and determine whether another car has begun to pass you.

When driving past temporary road work, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

Road construction zones present significant risks. Prepare yourself for gravel, uneven road surfaces, impediments, closed lanes, road workers, and heavy machinery that can be blocking a lane by slowing down and being aware of them.

If an overtaking vehicle signals that it needs to move in front of you, you should

Correct! Wrong!

If there is traffic going the other way, a car that is overtaking you might have to move out in front of you. Make sure you are leaving enough space between your car and the one in front of you and move back if necessary.

On your right, another car is passing you. You violate the law when you:

Correct! Wrong!

You must not drive recklessly, because speeding up as another car is overtaking is reckless driving.

If the vehicle in front of you is moving more quickly, the:

Correct! Wrong!

If the car you are overtaking is moving more quickly, you will need to travel a greater distance and take more time.


Drivers going left must yield to the following:

Correct! Wrong!

Oncoming vehicles traveling straight ahead must yield to those turning left. Only when it is safe to turn without endangering oncoming traffic may a driver proceed.

When driving behind a big car, increase your following distance:

Correct! Wrong!

If you follow closely behind a truck, bus, van, or any other vehicle towing a camper or trailer, the driver may not be able to see you. If you're following one of these cars, increase your following distance. Increase your following distance so you can glance around the sides of the car and see the road in front of you because large vehicles can also obscure your vision of the road.

When you're in the center lane of an expressway and you're getting passed on the right and left all the time, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

Unless you are passing or making a left turn, stay in the right lane on a route with four or more lanes of two-way traffic. Use the right lane if you are traveling at a slower speed than the flow of traffic on an interstate.

If you are on a highway and you see that a car is about to join your lane from an entrance ramp, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

Allow space for incoming traffic on interstates. Change lanes whenever possible to enable a smooth and secure entrance.

Viewing your rearview mirrors

Correct! Wrong!

Avoid staring fixedly out the window while driving. Check your rearview mirrors frequently to keep track of the locations of nearby vehicles.

Turning left from a two-way street onto a one-way street requires you to:

Correct! Wrong!

Any time you make a turn, move into the first legal lane after leaving the lane that is closest to the direction you want to go. This indicates that you ought to enter the first lane when changing from a two-way to a one-way street.

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