DKT Test (General Knowledge) #5


Is it legal to park in a median strip or on a traffic island?

Correct! Wrong!

The median strip is only to be used to safely turn into a side road without obstructing traffic flow, or to safely enter traffic flow from a side road.

What should you do if you see a horse and rider on the road?

Correct! Wrong!

Traffic can often frighten horses, causing them to become unpredictable. It's critical to take it slowly and give them plenty of room.

You're traveling down the freeway when you realize you've left something at home. You intend to return for it. Is it possible to make a U-turn on this road?

Correct! Wrong!

If you need to return, use the next available exit off the freeway.

You're approaching a green light. A red light is nearing the same intersection where an ambulance is blaring its siren. You ought to:

Correct! Wrong!

Wait until the ambulance has passed through the junction. Check to see if any other emergency vehicles are following it.

You should park in an angled position:

Correct! Wrong!

If there are angle parking markers, you should park there.

What should you do if a car you're driving is involved in an accident and a person is injured?

Correct! Wrong!

The first concern is to assist those who have been injured.

When you come across roadworks, keep the following in mind:

Correct! Wrong!

The purpose of roadwork signs is to alert you that the road conditions could become dangerous at any time (e.g. slippery or potentially damaging to your vehicle at higher speeds).


When the following conditions exist, you should not drive across a railway level crossing:

Correct! Wrong!

You may become stranded on the rails if traffic is blocked on the other side. Your vehicle will be in danger of being hit by a train since it cannot stop quickly or leave the tracks. Before you begin crossing, wait until there is a gap on the other side of the crossing.

From behind you, you hear the siren of an ambulance coming. You ought to:

Correct! Wrong!

Moving to the left will allow the ambulance to pass with as much room as feasible. If you make any unexpected maneuvers, such as abruptly slowing down, the ambulance may have to swerve dangerously to avoid you.

When a school bus has stopped to pick up or drop off students, you will:

Correct! Wrong!

When approaching a school bus that is stopped with its lights flashing, vehicles must come to a complete stop. A minimum $165 fine will be assessed if you don't stop until the lights stop blinking. A minimum $265 fine will be assessed if you pass a bus on the side where its door is. Additional sanctions will be imposed.

The following penalties apply to moving traffic in construction zones:

Correct! Wrong!

When offenses take place in work zones in Florida, fines are doubled. Additionally, you could face civil penalties of up to $1,000 and be forced to take a driving school course.

The left arm and hand of the driver are raised. The use of this hand signal by the driver indicates:

Correct! Wrong!

A driver indicates that they are going to turn right by raising their left arm and hand. If you're driving behind someone who is making this hand signal, adjust your course accordingly.

Keeping a space cushion is advised:

Correct! Wrong!

It is advisable to maintain a space cushion on all sides of your car so that you will have time to react to problems on the road. Avoid having parked cars on your left and right sides.vehicles to your left and right sides.

The following must be had in mind when managing your speed around curves:

Correct! Wrong!

The most crucial thing to keep in mind when driving around bends is that your car's inertia could make turning challenging. You must slow down before the curve to keep the vehicle under control.


When traveling by car to a new place, you should:

Correct! Wrong!

Plan your route in advance before driving to a new location. Don't begin with simply a vague notion of your destination. Before you start driving, look up the location on a map if your destination is in an unfamiliar area.

Your wheels may stray from the edge of the pavement as you are driving. You must:

Correct! Wrong!

If your car starts to drift off the road, keep going while keeping the wheels off the ground, and slowly apply the brakes to slow down. Turn the steering wheel to return to the pavement once you are moving at a safe speed. Never try to force your car back onto the road by spinning the steering wheel erratically.

At a multilane intersection, you are waiting to make a left turn, but opposing traffic is obstructing your vision. You must:

Correct! Wrong!

Never begin a left turn until you are certain that you can do it safely and that all the lanes you need to cross are clear.

The stopping distances and severity of crashes are considerably increased by .

Correct! Wrong!

High speeds significantly lengthen stopping distances and worsen crash severity. In the event of a collision, your vehicle will have more impact or striking power the faster you are driving.

If anxious, tense, angry, or inconsolable, a driver:

Correct! Wrong!

It's possible that you won't be able to drive safely if you're stressed, happy, emotional, upset, or depressed. Because your concentration is off the road, emotions might make it difficult for you to drive. Before you start driving, take some time to unwind and concentrate.

You should do the following to help prevent crashes:

Correct! Wrong!

Accidents frequently result from a driver acting in a way that other drivers weren't prepared for. You should signal while braking, halting, or changing lanes in order to communicate with other drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. When necessary, sound your horn or emergency flashers.

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