DKT Car Driver Knowledge Test – Traffic Signs 1


What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

There is a steep hill ahead. You should slow down and change down one or two gears to allow your engine to take over some of the braking. Be careful you don't suffer from 'brake fade' where your brakes stop being effective. If you notice this happening, pull over immediately and let the brakes cool down.

When you see this sign you:

Correct! Wrong!

A clearway is a section of road where parking is prohibited during certain times, in this case between 7-10am, Monday to Friday.

You are most likely to find this sign, where:

Correct! Wrong!

This area may have children present, for example, near a school, play area, or swimming pool. Be careful and be prepared to slow down if necessary.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

A traffic controller is ahead and will be directing traffic.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Kangaroos may enter the road unexpectedly in the next 30 km. Be particularly vigilant at dusk, through the night and dawn where they may be camouflaged against the background.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

The road narrows, so be careful, especially of wider vehicles coming in the opposite direction.

You should expect this sign:

Correct! Wrong!

You are currently driving on a divided road and the road will join another road with traffic heading in the opposite direction to form two way traffic.


What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

This sign indicates that trucks may be pulling out from side streets. You may see them near industrial areas, for example.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

You will need to stop at the stop sign ahead.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

The maximum safe speed is 35 km/h in dry conditions. You should be slowing down more in wet, slippery conditions.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

There is a railway level crossing ahead.

When you see this sign you must:

Correct! Wrong!

This sign means the give way rules apply at the intersection.

You should expect this sign, if:

Correct! Wrong!

There is a give way sign ahead. Slow down and be prepared to stop to give way to other traffic.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

This sign means that traffic travels in two directions


What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

This sign is for a crossroads ahead and you may need to give way at the crossroads, depending on the signage.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

100 km/h is the speed limit in this area

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

You must not go straight on from the right lane; you can only turn right.

If the red lights on this sign are flashing what are you required to do?

Correct! Wrong!

You should never go through a red light unless directed by a traffic controller or police. Wait until they stop, then check it's safe to proceed.

When you see this sign you should:

Correct! Wrong!

This sign indicates there is a railway level crossing with two tracks ahead. Slow down and be prepared to stop if the lights are flashing and give way to approaching trains.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Rain can cause the road to be more slippery, and there is a risk that you might skid if you are going too fast for the conditions. Slow down and take care.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

The road you are on ends soon and you will need to turn left or right (after giving way).


What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

A sharp depression in the road can bottom out your suspension in extreme cases if you are going too fast. This can not only damage your car, but could cause you to spin and leave the road. Be prepared to slow down if necessary.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

It means you must not turn to the right.

This sign means you should:

Correct! Wrong!

This sign directs traffic to the left of it.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

Traffic can only proceed in the direction of the arrow.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

60 km/h is the speed limit in this area.

You are most likely to find this sign:

Correct! Wrong!

There may be bends that are sharper than you anticipate, so the safest way is to slow down.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

You can only use this parking area if you have a mobility permit.


What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

It means you must not turn to the left.

What does this sign mean?

Correct! Wrong!

You must not stop unless it is a medical emergency.

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