DKT Car Driver Knowledge Test – Alcohol and Drugs
Alcohol is a depressant. This means:
Any amount of alcohol impairs your ability to think.
Before driving a motor vehicle or riding a motor cycle it is safest:
Any amount of alcohol impairs your ability, even if you don't feel like it is.
Having 1 or 2 alcoholic drinks before driving:
Any amount of alcohol impairs your ability.
If you are taking any sort of medicine, you should:
Your doctor or pharmacist will advise you of any potential side effects of your medication.
What is the safest way to stay under the legal alcohol limit?
Not drinking alcohol is the safest way to be sure you will be under the limit.
On Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, how many serious crashes involve alcohol?
Alcohol is the leading cause of serious accidents on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights.
Is it an offence to refuse to take a POLICE breath test?
It's always an offence to refuse a breath test.
If you hold a learner or provisional licence class what is the Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) limit?
You must not drink any alcohol and drive on a learner or provisional licence.
If you are affected by a legal drug, such as a medicine (e.g. cold or allergy tablets)
Medications can make you drowsy and less able to judge situations on the road.
To reduce the effect of alcohol before driving or riding you should:
Your body will process the alcohol out of your system over time. Black coffee and water will not reduce the immediate affects of the alcohol.
If you take medicine and then drink alcohol:
You should avoid all alcohol when taking medicine, and you should also check with your doctor that it is OK to drive when taking a specific medication.
When drivers have been drinking, the crashes they are involved in are generally:
Alcohol impairs your ability to react, therefore the crashes tend to be more serious.
If you have used illegal drugs you:
Using illegal drugs can have serious side effects and impair your ability to safely control a vehicle.
You want to drive your car but you have a very bad headache. A friend gives you some of their headache tablets to kill the pain. What should you do before you take these tablets?
Prescription drugs need the advice of a doctor or pharmacist before you take them, and they may have unwanted side effects that affect your ability to control a vehicle
If you are taking several medications and you want to drive, you should:
Prescription drugs need the advice of a doctor or pharmacist before you take them, and they may have unwanted side effects that affect your ability to control a vehicle
After drinking alcohol you could:
Any amount of alcohol impairs your ability to think.
Before taking any drugs and then driving it is most important to:
Your doctor or pharmacist will advise you of any potential side effects of your medication.
If you are going out and going to drink alcohol, the best way to avoid having to drink and drive is to:
Organise a taxi, dedicated driver that doesn't drink, or public transport to get home.
Even if you feel unaffected after drinking alcohol, you should:
Any amount of alcohol impairs your ability.
If you are driving a bus, taxi, hire-car, heavy motor vehicle (over 13.9 tonnes Gross Vehicle Mass), or a vehicle with a dangerous load, it is an offence when the level of alcohol in your blood reaches:
The level is 0.02. This means there is 20mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. Although, bear in mind that any alcohol in your system will affect your ability, even if you can't notice it.