CTET Exam 2025

CTET exam is one of the most important exams for those who want to become teachers. This is a central level examination and its passing qualifies candidates to teach in government schools across India.
Those who have completed graduation in any stream or are appearing for the final year can apply for the exam. The candidates will need to upload the scanned copies of their photograph and signature to apply online.
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When Is CTET Exam 2025
The Central Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET) is a nationwide examination conducted by CBSE to assess the eligibility of candidates for teaching positions in schools run by government and other NGOs. It consists of two papers, Paper 1 and Paper 2. The exam is held twice a year – once in July and once in August.
The examination is conducted in offline mode and consists of multiple-choice questions. Each question carries one mark and there is no negative marking. The exam is held in two sessions – morning and afternoon. Paper 1 is for primary level teaching and Paper 2 is for upper-primary level teaching.
It is important to arrive at the exam center on time on the day of the exam. This will help prevent any delays or disruptions during the exam. It is also a good idea to bring water and snacks with you. This will keep you hydrated and energized while you take the exam. Lastly, remember to relax and stay calm before the exam. This will help you focus on the exam and answer the questions correctly.
CTET Exam Eligibility
Teachers are one of the most important pillars of our society. They play an essential role in enlightening children and making their future brighter. However, to pursue this career path, you need to meet certain qualifications. One such qualification is the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET). This is an exam that is conducted by the National Council for Teacher Education.
The CTET exam is divided into two papers – Paper 1 and Paper 2. The candidates who want to teach primary classes (1 to 5) need to appear for the Paper 1, while those who wish to teach upper primary students (6 to 8) must take the Paper 2 examination. The candidates who qualify for the CTET exam will get a TET certificate that is valid for life.
In order to apply for the CTET exam, the candidates need to fill in the application form on the official website of the examination authority. After submitting the application form, the candidates need to pay the fee using the online mode. Then, the authorities will issue admit cards within a few days of the exam date.

The Central Teachers Eligibility Test (CTET) is conducted by CBSE to assess candidates’ eligibility for teaching positions in schools. It consists of two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2. Both contain multiple-choice questions, each with four alternative answers. The exam is based on the syllabus of the National Curriculum Framework. The question paper is divided into sections, each containing different topics. The exam aims to evaluate the candidate’s ability to teach children of various age groups.
The CTET exam is of two-and-a-half hours duration, and there are two sessions: morning and afternoon. The examination center will be mentioned in the admit card. Applicants must reach the exam center at least 90 minutes before the commencement of the session.
Those who qualify the CTET will be issued with a mark-sheet and eligibility certificate in digital format through their DigiLocker account. The credentials for this will be communicated to the successful candidates by CBSE on their registered mobile number. The certificate will remain valid throughout the lifetime of the candidate. This is an improvement over the earlier validity period of 7 years.
CTET Entrance Exam
The CTET examination is a national level exam conducted by the CBSE. Its main aim is to determine the eligibility of teachers for classes 1st to 8th. The exam has two papers, and candidates must qualify both of them to become eligible for teaching jobs in government schools. Applicants must fulfill all the requirements listed in the CTET eligibility criteria to be able to sit for the exam.

The exam is conducted in both English and Hindi. It consists of 150 multiple choice questions. Each question carries one mark, and there is no negative marking. Candidates should familiarize themselves with the CTET syllabus and prepare accordingly. They should especially focus on the Child Development and Pedagogy section of the exam.
After qualifying the CTET exam, candidates can apply for teaching positions in government-run schools across India. However, candidates who have appeared for a State TET can only be recruited in schools that are run by their particular state. This is because the CTET certificate can only be used in central government schools, while TET certificates are valid for only state government-run schools.
CTET Exam Analysis
The ctet exam analysis 2025 is available for the candidates who have appeared in the CTET Dec Exam for Shift 1 day 2. The analysis shows the overall difficulty level of the examination. It also presents a detailed overview of the questions asked in each topic and the good attempts made by the candidates.
The CTET exam analysis based on the feedback of the candidates who appeared in the examination shows that the paper was moderately difficult. Most of the questions were asked from the CTET syllabus and were conceptual in nature. The questions in the Language I (Hindi) and II (English) sections were easy to moderate, while the questions on Child Development and Pedagogy were slightly tricky.
The questions asked in the Language section focused on various pedagogical theories like Vygotsky, Piaget stages and learning theory. Other topics included pedagogy of reading and writing, NCF 2005, Howard Gardner, Phoneme, and Classroom teaching method. The questions asked in the Maths section were mainly based on unit and measurement, geometry-complementary angle, lines of symmetry, blood relations, and number series.

CTET Exam Benefits
Teachers make a special place in society and have a direct impact on the future of students. This is why it’s so important that they continue to improve their knowledge of teaching techniques and pedagogy throughout their careers. In addition, they should also keep up with professional development opportunities and network with other educators in the field.
Qualifying for CTET opens up many doors for educators. From government schools like KVs and NVs to Army Public Schools, qualified teachers can find work all over the country. Additionally, they receive higher salaries than those who do not qualify.
Another benefit of CTET is that it provides candidates with a career roadmap. It helps them decide what subjects they want to teach and what level they would like to work at. It also helps them plan their academic year ahead of time and develop a schedule for themselves. Furthermore, it helps them identify their weaknesses and make plans for improvement. Additionally, it gives them a sense of accomplishment as they progress through their teaching career.
CTET Exam Preparation
Before you start preparing for the CTET exam, it is important to understand its difficulty level. It will help you plan your study strategy and improve your chances of passing the exam. CTET exam analysis also helps you identify which subjects need more attention. You should spend more time preparing for the difficult subjects and less time on those that are easier to understand.

A good strategy for CTET preparation is to practice with previous years’ question papers and mock tests. These will familiarize you with the structure and format of the exam and give you a sense of what to expect on the day of the test. It is also advisable to seek guidance from teachers or online communities to clarify doubts.
During your CTET exam preparation, make sure to read the syllabus and exam pattern thoroughly. It is also a good idea to create a study schedule and follow it strictly. In addition, it is important to follow COVID-19 safety measures while preparing for the exam. This includes wearing a mask, maintaining social distancing, and using hand sanitizers.
CTET Exam Requirements
Those who wish to pursue a career in teaching have to clear CTET. The exam is conducted twice a year for teachers in different classes. However, qualifying for the CTET is not a guarantee for getting the job. Candidates have to apply for schools based on available vacancies that accept CTET certification.
The candidates have to pay an application fee to apply for the examination. The amount varies depending on the candidate’s category. The details are available on the official website. The application process involves online registration, filling of details, uploading the scanned photo and signature, payment of the application fee, and submission of confirmation page.
Once the CTET exam is over, the results are declared on the official website. The result contains various details including the name of the candidate, roll number, and marks obtained. The answer key of Paper 1 and Paper 2 is also available on the site. The candidates can check the answers and evaluate their performance using the answer keys. The candidates can also raise objections against the final answer key in case of any discrepancy.
CTET Exam Questions and Answers
The CTET test was given on December 28 and 29, 2025.
A nationwide eligibility test called the CTET is administered by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). To determine candidates’ eligibility for appointment as teachers in Central Government Schools like KVS, NVS, and others, the CTET exam is held annually.
The CTET exam is administered twice a year to determine candidates’ qualifications for hiring as teachers for Classes 1 to 8 at Central Government Schools like KVS, NVS, etc.
‥ To be eligible for the CTET exam for primary teachers, candidates must have completed Class 12 and have a minimum aggregate grade point average of 45%.
‥ Candidates must have at least a 45 percent overall graduation rate or a 50 percent overall Class 12 grade.
‥ Candidates should have finished the required teacher education programs and training courses.
‥ To download the certificate and/or mark sheet for the Teacher Eligibility Test, go to https://www.digilocker.gov.in/.
‥ Select the Get More Now/Get Issued Documents option after logging into Digilocker.
‥ Choose the Delhi Central Board of Secondary Education.
‥ Select the Certificate or Marksheet from the Teacher Eligibility Test.
A candidate may select any one language from the various language selections as Language I and another as Language II, but they must declare this on the Confirmation Page of the CTET application form.
‥ Understand the exam format and material.
‥ Set a study schedule and follow it.
‥ Collect trustworthy study resources.
‥ Use mock exams to improve your time management skills.
‥ Take part in online study groups.
‥ Maintain your drive and take rests.
‥ Set up a location in your house just for studying.
‥ Remain committed to your objectives.
No, a bachelor’s degree in education is not required to take the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET).
Candidates seeking to apply for teaching posts in Central Government schools are required to have the CTET certificate.
The CTET Exam Certificate is available from Digilocker for candidates to download with ease.