CSS (Properties, Functions, Elements, & Tables)


Which of the following items is a block and which is an inline element that has no particular rendering?

Correct! Wrong!

The div element and span element are block and inline elements, respectively, that have no particular rendering. You might call them generic tags. Because these tags don’t have any predefined meaning or rendering, they are very useful for arbitrary style duties

The property determines whether or not an element will be displayed.

Correct! Wrong!

Example: h1.hidden { display: none;}

The spacing between cells in a table is defined as.

Correct! Wrong!

border-spacing: non-negative length(s) | inherit

The ______________ property determines whether or not table cell borders are connected.

Correct! Wrong!

border-collapse: collapse | separate | inherit

The _____________ property links an element to a background image.

Correct! Wrong!

background-image: url(image-file) | none | inherit

Which of the following CSS properties determines an element's opacity level?

Correct! Wrong!

The opacity property defines the transparency-level, where 1 is opaque, 0.5 is translucent, and 0 is completely transparent.

Which of the following values for the overflow element is appropriate?

Correct! Wrong!

Overflow of a div or a container can have the following values: visible|hidden|scroll|auto|initial|inherit.


Which of the following properties indicates a flexible item's position in relation to the other flexible items in the same container?

Correct! Wrong!

The CSS order property specifies the order used to lay out flex items in their flex container. Elements are laid out in the ascending order of the order value.

Determine the CSS property that controls the length of the tab character's spacing.

Correct! Wrong!

The tab-size CSS property is used to customize the width of a tab.

Which of the following properties indicates an element's stack order?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct option is z-index. It can only be applied on positioned values.

The flex-direction and flex-wrap features can be provided by which of the following CSS properties?

Correct! Wrong!

It is a shorthand for both flex-direction and flex-wrap.

When the items in the flexible container don't occupy all of the available space on the main axis, which of the following properties align with them?

Correct! Wrong!

The CSS justify-content property defines how the browser distributes space between and around flex items along the main-axis of their container.

Long words can be broken and wrapped onto the next line because of which of the following properties?

Correct! Wrong!

This property helps you break the words and wrap onto the next line to prevent overflow of div.

Select the CSS property that determines where a table caption displays.

Correct! Wrong!

The caption-side CSS property positions the content of a table’s caption on the specified side.


Which of the following options makes up a declaration?

Correct! Wrong!

A declaration has two parts separated by a colon:
Property – that part before the colon
Value – that part after the colon.

CSS3 ___________ let you to create seamless transitions between two or more colors.

Correct! Wrong!

Earlier, you had to use images for these effects. However, by using CSS3 gradients you can reduce download time and bandwidth usage. In addition, elements with gradients look better when zoomed, because the gradient is generated by the browser.

Each property can additionally have a cascaded value of ___________ which indicates that the property for a given element takes the same defined value as the property for the element's parent.

Correct! Wrong!

Each property may also have a cascaded value of ‘inherit’, which means that, for a given element, the property takes the same specified value as the property for the element’s parent. The ‘inherit’ value can be used to enforce inheritance of values, and it can also be used on properties that are not normally inherited.

For a specific document, the ___________ may be able to specify style information. For example, the user agent may provide an interface that generates a user style sheet or the user may specify a file that contains a style sheet.

Correct! Wrong!

User: The user may be able to specify style information for a particular document. For example, the user may specify a file that contains a style sheet or the user agent may provide an interface that generates a user style sheet (or behaves as if it did).

The style and the HTML document are linked via the ___________________. It defines which items are influenced by the declaration.

Correct! Wrong!

The selector is the link between the HTML document and the style. It specifies what elements are affected by the declaration. The declaration is that part of the rule that sets forth what the effect will be.

In CSS, which of the following strings is defined?

Correct! Wrong!

In CSS, strings are defined with either single quotes (‘example’) or double quotes (“example”). Quotes may be found within the opposite quote (“I say this is an ‘example’!”).

Which of the following are alphanumeric names that relate to a current document counter value?

Correct! Wrong!

Counters demonstrate the possibility of variable-like values in CSS. They are defined as alphanumeric names that correspond to some current counter value in a document.


Which of the following is the six-digit hexadecimal color format used by CSS as defined in (X)HTML?

Correct! Wrong!

CSS’s six-digit hexadecimal format is the same as color defined in (X)HTML. The format specifies color as #rrggbb, where rr is the amount of red, gg the amount of green, and bb the amount of blue, all specified in a hexadecimal value ranging from 00 to FF.

Which of the following is the CSS3 HSL value with a fourth value to determine the color's alpha channel value to define the element's opacity?

Correct! Wrong!

An HSLa is specified via a function style hsla(hue,saturation, lightness, alpha), where hue, saturation, and lightness are the same as standard hsl() values, and the alpha channel value for defining opacity is a number between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).

Which of the following is the color format described by the keyword RGB, followed by three numbers ranging from 0 to 255, enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas, with no spaces between them?

Correct! Wrong!

RGB color values can also be defined using percentages. The format is the same, except that the numbers are replaced by percentage values between 0% and 100%.

The visibility of an element is determined by which of the following properties?

Correct! Wrong!

This property is not the same as display: none as it simply makes the item invisible; it does not completely remove it from the display canvas.

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