Business Analysis Practice Test #4


High-level use cases, BRD, and the project plan are—-

Correct! Wrong!

An "inception phase" is a time period set aside at the start of a program to learn about and better comprehend the context for implementation. All sectors of development professionals are increasingly using the inception phases to conduct and implement learning right away.

Change management, config management, and UML diagrams:

Correct! Wrong!

An Agile project's requirements elaboration phase focuses on first identifying the user stories and then further describing them as the project progresses. Basically, the elaboration activity starts off focusing on high priority topics and gradually adds details.

System code, QA test scripts and scenarios, and a test strategy

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer:

Mapping from a source system to a destination system is known as:

Correct! Wrong!

To establish relationships between data models that are in various sources or systems, a process known as data mapping involves matching data fields or elements from one source, or sources, to their related data fields in another destination.

Which view can be enabled for the task:

Correct! Wrong!

You may design and set up your database using design view (kind of a "behind the scenes" view of your database). You set up and customize your tables, forms, reports, and other items here.

What documents are associated with the use case?

Correct! Wrong!

An SSD displays the external actors that directly interact with the system, the system (as a black box), and the system events that the actors produce and cause for a specific course of events within a use case. A formal description of an application's functional requirements is found in the Functional Requirements Document (FRD). It accomplishes the same goal as a contract. In this case, the developers consent to offering the requested features.

TDD for a business analyst means:

Correct! Wrong!

Before any development can begin, a set of rigid guidelines called for by test-driven development must be followed. As the name suggests, it emphasizes the necessity of testing every unit of code before complete development can start (even before the code is created).


What typical tools does a business analyst employ?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer:
All the above

In the use case scenario, the term --- is used to imply that a certain action needs to have taken place in order for the other to take place.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer:

Which diagram is typically used in the preliminary phases of analysis to describe the relevant components?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer:

What stakeholders should the BA start looking at to find out who might be able to impact the project's deliverables? Pick the best response.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer:
A description of the approach that will be taken to implement a new set of capabilities

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