AutoCAD Practice Test


What is an AutoCAD template file's file extension?

Correct! Wrong!

The DWT file extension indicates a template file. They're just like regular files in that they can be opened, saved, copied, and altered. A DWT file does contain certain capabilities that distinguishes it from other types of files.

What is the objective of the Divide Command?

Correct! Wrong!

Divide is an AutoCAD command that lets you place blocks on a linear entity. You can use 'Multiple Divide' to place blocks on multiple linear entities while also having several other possibilities.

What is the number of snap points in a circle?

Correct! Wrong!

There are five snap points on a circle. 1 snap point for the center, and 4 snap points for the quadrants.

Using the ________ tool, you can simply make a line with a tapering width.

Correct! Wrong!

A polyline is a single entity made up of a connected sequence of line segments. Straight line segments, arc segments, or a combination of the two can be created.

The Linetype Scale can be changed with which command?

Correct! Wrong!

The global linetype scale factor in the drawing is controlled by the LTSCALE system variable. The appearance of linetypes in the drawing changes as this scale factor is changed.

What is the meaning of the acronym WCS?

Correct! Wrong!

The World Coordinate System (WCS) is the default coordinate system used by AutoCAD. the WCS will be sufficient for most of your 2D drafting needs and this is the only coordinate system used in this course you know that the current coordinate system is the WCS when you see the letter W in the & icon.

In AutoCad, how many different types of arcs are there?

Correct! Wrong!

We may make arcs in AutoCAD in eleven different ways. There are eleven distinct alternatives that can be used depending on the geometry of the design.


One of the selections below is incorrect in terms of the type of AutoCad drawing units. Which one is it?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer

What is the extension of AutoCAD drawings?

Correct! Wrong!

Drawing files have the.dwg file extension, and unless the default file format in the Options dialog box is changed, drawings are saved in the most recent drawing file format. Every time you save, the application makes a backup file of the previous version of your drawing folder.

Multiple copies of an object can be made with the Copy command. True/False?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer

If you want the text to be reversed when you mirror it, set:

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer

The objects on the layer are not visible and are not considered when the drawing is regenerated if you choose which of the following options?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer
When you froze the layer

Select copy after moving, mirroring, rotating, scaling, or stretching with grips. True/False?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer

How do you make a 3D object out of a poly line?

Correct! Wrong!

To create a 3D object from a polyline, go to the 'Home' tab in the '3D Modeling Workspace' and choose either 'Extrude', 'Polysolid', or 'Presspull' from the 'Modeling' panel. Select the polyline and press 'Enter,' then either 'Pull' it up to the desired height or write the desired height in the command line and press 'Enter.'


All of the following can be done with the Multiline Text editor, with the exception of:

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer >br> Insert pictures

In a visual lisp routine, where do you make changes?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer >br> Visual LISP editor

What is the function of the rotation command?

Correct! Wrong!

In AutoCAD, the Rotate command is a very significant and helpful operation. This command is found on the Home tab's Modify panel.

When is the middle mouse button used?

Correct! Wrong!

The setting of the obscure AutoCAD system variable MBUTTONPAN determines whether or not you can zoom and pan with the scroll wheel (or the middle button on a three-button mouse). When MBUTTONPAN is set to 1, you can pan and zoom by using the scroll wheel or the middle button.

To add a hyperlink to an item, what command is used?

Correct! Wrong!

A web page, another drawing, a named view, a layout tab, or an external file can all be attached via hyperlinks.

What can you do with the SOLIDEDIT command?

Correct! Wrong!

Faces and edges of 3D solid objects can be edited. Faces can be extruded, moved, rotated, offset, tapered, copied, deleted, and had colors and materials assigned to them. You can also duplicate edges and give colors to them. The validity of the complete 3D solid item can be imprinted, separated, shelled, cleaned, and checked (body).

How would you save different environment settings if you do more than one type of drafting?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer >br> Create a user profile for each environment needed


Text, dimensions, tolerances, symbols, notes, and other sorts of explanatory symbols or objects are .

Correct! Wrong!

Dimensions, notes, and other forms of explanatory symbols or objects typically used to add information to your drawing are examples of annotation objects. Annotation objects give information about a feature, such as a wall's length, a fastener's diameter, or a detail callout.

What should you do if an Xref in your drawing is changed?

Correct! Wrong!

When the original xrefed drawing has altered during a drawing session, the Reload option is useful. To obtain the most up-to-date xrefs displayed in your drawing, use Reload. Unloaded xrefs will also revert to their previous state after a reload.

Correct! Wrong!

How do youExplanation
You can use all these commands. end a command?

Why do you make blocks?

Correct! Wrong!

The most basic function of a block is to serve as reusable content. You can define a block once and then reuse it in new or existing drawings without having to repaint it. You have the option of copying the objects.