ATLS Certification Practice Test 2025
Advanced Trauma Life Support

What is ATLS?
The Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) Student Course provides a concise approach to assessing and managing patients who have been injured in multiple ways. The course provides doctors and other qualified healthcare providers with comprehensive knowledge and techniques that can be easily adapted to their specific needs. The skills described in the manual are one safe way to perform each technique, and the American College of Surgeons (ACS) acknowledges that other acceptable approaches exist. However, the knowledge and skills taught in the course are easily transferable to all settings for patient care.
ATLS began in the United States in 1976, when James K. Styner, an orthopedic surgeon flying a light aircraft, crashed into a field in Nebraska. Charlene, his wife, was killed instantly, and three of his four children, Kenneth, Randy, and Kim, were critically injured. Chris, his son, broke his arm.
At the crash site, he performed the initial triage of his children. Dr. Styner had to flag down a car to get to the nearest hospital, which was closed when he arrived. Even after the hospital was opened and a doctor was summoned, he discovered that the emergency care provided at the small regional hospital where they were treated was insufficient and inappropriate.
Dr. Styner declared upon his return to Lincoln, “When I can provide better care in the field with limited resources than what my children and I received at the primary care facility, there is something wrong with the system, and the system needs to be changed.” When he returned to work, he began working on a system for saving lives in medical trauma situations.
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Who Should Enroll in This Course?
This course is open to any advanced practice healthcare professional involved in the care of trauma patients.
- Physicians
- Residents
- Physician Assistants
- Nurse Practitioners

ATLS Protocol
The ATLS protocol tries to minimize trauma mortality. A comprehensive strategy to detecting life-threatening injuries is used in the primary survey. The trauma surgeon is key in putting the right diagnostic tests and therapeutic measures in place.
The interactive ATLS algorithm simulates the usage of the ATLS protocol in pre-hospital care and transit to the operation room from the emergency department. It explains the fundamental procedure for examining, securing, and treating traumatized people.
ATLS Courses
The American College of Surgeons has granted permission for the ATLS course to be held. Students read the course handbook before starting the course. Eight teachers train 16 students over the course of two days, the majority of them are residents in surgery and anesthesia.
All emergency procedures are taught and reviewed during the course. The goal of the course is for students to be able to execute the essential measures independently and with the proper priorities by watching, practicing, and repeating the ATLS principles. There is also an ATLS course book that provides a systematic, concise approach to treating trauma patients in the early stages.
Initial Assessment and Management:
Primary survey
The primary survey is the first and most important step in assessing trauma patients. During this time, life-threatening injuries are identified and resuscitation is initiated. ABCDE, a simple mnemonic for the order in which problems should be addressed, is used as a mnemonic.
- Airway maintenance with cervical spine protection
- Breathing and ventilation
- Circulation with bleeding control
- Disability/Neurologic assessment
- Exposure and environmental control
Secondary survey
The secondary survey can begin once the primary survey is completed, resuscitation efforts are well established, and vital signs are normalizing. The secondary survey is a thorough examination of the trauma patient, including a thorough history and physical examination, as well as a reassessment of all vital signs. Each part of the body must be thoroughly examined. X-rays are obtained as a result of the examination. If the patient deteriorates at any point during the secondary survey, another primary survey is performed because a potential life threat exists. As soon as reasonably possible, the person should be removed from the hard spine board and placed on a firm mattress, as the spine board can quickly cause skin breakdown and pain, whereas a firm mattress provides equivalent stability for potential spinal fractures.
Tertiary survey
A thorough examination, followed by serial assessments, aids in the recognition of missed injuries and related problems, allowing for definitive care management. The rate of delayed diagnosis could be as high as 10%.
ATLS Questions and Answers PDF
It’s critical to find the greatest ATLS study materials, study notes, and summaries. ATLS is based on a “primary survey” that involves efforts to identify and treat life- and limb-threatening injuries in order of severity, starting with the most serious. If you’re looking for ATLS online PDF, ATLS PDF, ATLS guidelines 2025 PDF, or ATLS guidelines 2025 PDF, you’ve come to the right place. For the greatest exam preparation, we recommend using ATLS test questions.
ATLS Questions and Answers
Tests must be taken at an authorized training facility as of 2014.
To get a free download code, please email [email protected].
Your ATLS status is valid for four years from the end date of the ATLS Student or Student Refresher course if you complete it successfully.
To begin with, reading the textbook puts you much ahead of the curve. Then always stick to the ABCDE system rules. If you’re ever in doubt, just remember ABCDE. Simply show up and pay attention in class.
ATLS means Advanced Trauma Life Support.
All surgeons on call for trauma must have completed ATLS at least once and must complete 16 hours of trauma CPD each year.