اختبار الشراء والاستلام والتخزين 3
When throwing away food items, it's crucial to:
When discarding food products, it is indeed important to consider donating them to a food bank or shelter whenever possible. Food donation can help reduce food waste and provide support to those in need.
إذا كنت تحضر طبق سمك يحتوي على المحار وبلح البحر ولاحظت أن البطلينوس وبلح البحر مفتوحان قبل الطهي ، يجب عليك:
إذا كنت تحضر طبقًا من المحار وكان المحار وبلح البحر مفتوحين قبل الطهي ، فيجب عليك التخلص من المحار. يعد فتح المحار وبلح البحر علامة أكيدة على تلف الطعام. لذلك ، من المهم رمي مثل هذه الأطعمة في القمامة.
When acquiring food from unreliable or dubious sources, it is seen as:
Purchasing food from unapproved or questionable sources is considered a bad practice and can pose various risks to food safety and public health.
يمكن منع التسمم Scombroid عن طريق:
الطريقة الوحيدة للوقاية من التسمم بالسكومبرويد هي اتباع ضوابط درجة الحرارة المناسبة فور صيد الأسماك. لهذا السبب ، يجب على مدير المطعم التأكد من شراء المأكولات البحرية مثل التونة والدلفين والسمك الأزرق من تاجر حسن السمعة. يحدث تسمم Scombroid بسبب الهيستامين المنتج بعد صيد الأسماك ، لذلك لا يمكن إزالته بعد حدوثه بطهيها في غضون 24 ساعة أو عن طريق الطهي في أي درجة حرارة.
Receiving shell eggs requires an ambient temperature of _________F or lower.
The correct air temperature requirement for receiving shell eggs may vary depending on the specific regulations and guidelines of different regions. However, in general, shell eggs should be received and stored at a temperature of 45°F (7°C) or below to maintain their quality and reduce the risk of bacterial growth.
How can you determine the temperature of food that has been vacuum- or reduced-oxygen packaged?
When checking the temperature of food in Reduced Oxygen Packaging (ROP) or vacuum-sealed packages, it is recommended to use a food thermometer and follow proper guidelines to ensure accurate readings.
Cross-contamination must be avoided by taking the following precautions:
It is important to use different cutting boards for raw meats and produce to prevent cross-contamination. Cross-contamination occurs when bacteria or other pathogens from one food item are transferred to another, potentially leading to foodborne illnesses.
When should tuna that was cooked on April 24 be discarded?
If tuna fish is prepared on April 24, it should be thrown out by April 30. This timeframe follows the general guideline of storing ready-to-eat potentially hazardous foods for a maximum of 7 days at a refrigeration temperature of 41°F (5°C) or below.
The term "first in first out" refers to a storage technique in which the food with the earliest use-by date is placed at the front of the shelf.
FIFO, which stands for "First In, First Out," is a storage method used in the food industry to ensure that food with the earliest use-by or expiration date is used or sold first. In this method, items that are received or prepared first are placed in front of or above items that are received or prepared later.
Reject or Accept? sugar bags with a dark stain on them.
When receiving food deliveries, it is crucial to thoroughly inspect the packaging for any signs of spoilage, damage, or abnormalities. If you notice any concerning issues, such as staining, leaks, or other signs of potential contamination, it is recommended to reject the affected bags and notify the supplier or appropriate personnel.
How is the temperature of fresh fish, poultry, and meat determined?
To determine the temperature of fresh fish, poultry, and meat, you can use a food thermometer and insert it into the thickest part of the meat.
It's crucial to take the following steps to make sure food products are safe to eat:
Following proper sanitation practices is crucial to ensuring that food products are safe to consume. Sanitation plays a vital role in preventing the spread of bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants that can cause foodborne illnesses.
Which products on the list ought to be sent back to the supplier after inspection?
If you discover rusty goods upon inspection, it is generally recommended to return them to the supplier. Rust on products can be an indication of potential contamination or compromised quality, and it is important to prioritize food safety and quality.
What could cause food to get contaminated?
Storing chemicals on top of rice or any food items could potentially lead to the contamination of food. Chemicals can pose a risk if they come into direct contact with food, even if the packaging appears intact.
Which of the following foods has the potential to be dangerous?
Ice cream is generally considered a potentially hazardous food. Potentially hazardous foods are those that provide a favorable environment for the growth of pathogenic microorganisms or the production of toxins if not properly handled or stored. Ice cream meets the criteria for being a potentially hazardous food due to its composition and characteristics.
In order to properly store food products, it is crucial to
When storing food products, it is important to properly re-package them for storage in certain situations.