
امتحان مدير ServSafe 1


What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for a veal chop?

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What temperature must cooked vegetables reach to be safely hot-held for service?

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Why should food temperatures be taken in 2 different locations?

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ما نوع البيض الذي يجب استخدامه عند تحضير الأطباق النيئة أو غير المطهية جيدًا للمجموعات السكانية المعرضة للخطر؟

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What HACCP principle is being practiced when food handlers rewash melons that have surface dirt?

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TCS food reheated for hot-holding must reach what temperature?

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When transporting food off-site, how should information such as a use-by date and time be communicated to the off-site staff?

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What should a food handler do to make gloves easier to put on?

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Which action requires a food handler to change gloves?

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What type of thermocouple probe should be used to check the internal temperature of a beef roast?

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What is the third step in cleaning and sanitizing items in a three-compartment sink?

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What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for green beans that are hot-held for service?

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Parasites are commonly associated with

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Metal shavings are which type of contaminant?

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What is the purpose of setting critical limits in a HACCP plan?

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Which item should be rejected?

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انقر للحصول على اختبار Servsafe المجاني التالي

Servsafe Manager Exam #2