Angular Test 1
How would you display a View using a router outlet?
The correct answer:
Nothing. The view will display in the tag
Which applications must be installed before you can download Angular?
The Node.js® runtime is based on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js has a lightweight and efficient l/O mechanism that is event-driven and non-blocking. The npm package ecosystem for Node.js is the world's largest ecosystem of open source libraries.
What methods would you use to test your NativeScript Angular app?
The correct answer:
Run it in a web-browser
How would you split a string into substrings if you had to read it?
The correct answer:
Both (Use the Slice pipe) & (Use the String pipe)
What's the ideal way to set child URL routes?
To define child routes, just add an array of new route configuration objects to your parent configuration's children key.
How do you get data flowing both ways between properties and events while developing a web page?
The difference between property binding and interpolation is that you can set the properties and attributes of numerous HTML elements. Event binding allows you to communicate with the component class and create events that occur in the template (user-initiated).
In a web application, how would you create custom event handling?
The correct answer:
Through a combination of Outputs Decorators and EventEmitters
On a website, how would you present a list of customers?
The correct answer:
Load the customers into an Observable and pass the Observable to a ngFor loop
Which directive would you use to include a template conditionally dependent on the value of an expression?
It includes a template conditionally dependent on the value of an expression. When an expression is true or false, it evaluates the expression and then renders the then or else template in its place. The NgIf directive is mostly used to conditionally display the inline template. to show the inline template only if certain conditions are met.