FREE Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse MCQ Questions and Answers


As opposed to bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP), which of the following conditions is typically treated with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)?

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While bilevel positive airway pressure (BPAP) is typically used to treat obesity hypoventilation syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and central sleep apnea, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is recommended for OSA. The majority of OSA patients are initially treated with CPAP, however if the pressure required to control OSA is high, the patient may struggle to breathe out (suffering), have air leaks from their mouth, and have trouble tolerating the treatment. If the expiratory positive airway pressure (EPAP) is set too high, some individuals may experience difficulties. Patients who are unable to control their OSA with CPAP may do so with BPAP.

Which test is used primarily to determine a patient's risk of falling while the CRRN is evaluating their functional ability?

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The Timed Up and Go (TUG) test measures how long it takes a patient to get up from an armchair, move three meters, turn around, and then get back into the chair. Those that need less than 14 seconds run the risk of falling. The Katz tasks of Daily Living (ADL) scale contains timed examinations for numerous tasks and measures standard activities like bathing, dressing, transferring, walking, using the restroom, grooming, and eating. The Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) assessment looks at ADLs as well as the capacity to plan transportation, handle finances, use prosthetic devices, go shopping, and use the phone. The Functional Ability Rating scale assesses barriers to important living tasks such self-care, communication, self-direction, the ability to live independently, learning, and the capacity to manage finances.

When reporting on a patient's capacity to operate independently using the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) guidelines, a task that the patient can complete with the aid of an assistive device or that requires more time than usual would be categorized as:

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A patient has modified independence in a task, according to the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scale, if it necessitates the use of an assistive device or takes more time than usual to complete. Complete independence is being able to perform the work normally. The term "supervision" refers to the requirement for someone to watch over or direct someone as they do a task. While minimal aid only involves touching and requires the patient to put in less than 75% of the effort, moderate assistance calls for more than touching and requires the patient to put in 50% to 74% of the work. It takes a lot of assistance to complete tasks when the patient is receiving maximum assistance (between 15% and 49% effort). Total assistance (patient puts out less than 25% effort) suggests that the patient is unable to contribute in a meaningful way.

Which of the patient's demands must be satisfied FIRST, according to Maslow's hierarchy of requirements?

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Physical requirements must be satisfied first. According to Maslow, human behavior is driven by needs, and there is a hierarchy of requirements that progresses from fundamental needs to personal needs. The hierarchy starts at the base with physiological necessities. security and safety. Belonging. Self-esteem. (The peak) Self-actualization.

The patient exhibits signs of extreme anxiety throughout the initial interview and health history, including fidgeting, licking lips, and shaking. What is the BEST reaction out of the following?

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"You are trembling. Can you tell me how are you feeling?" is the best reaction since it helps the patient to share her feelings while acknowledging what the CRRN observes. When being questioned, a lot of people have quite a bit of anxiety, which could be stress-related disease. Anxiety may be indicated by nonverbal cues such fidgeting, licking lips, rubbing hands together, or shaking. When anxious, some people speak quickly and tensely while others keep quiet and retreat.

A patient's laryngeal and pharyngeal weakness on the left side is accompanied by dysphagia. Which positioning approach among the following is MOST suitable to lower the risk of aspiration?

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The patient's one-sided (left) laryngeal and pharyngeal weakness causes twisting during swallowing, which narrows the left side of the pharynx, directs the bolus down the opposite side, and also increases approximation by increasing pressure on the vocal fold. The patient should be instructed to swallow while simultaneously rotating her head to the side and looking over her shoulder.

The management of a long-term board and care facility has refused to move a patient with disabilities' verbally abusive roommate to another room, despite the patient's claims that the roommate is abusive. Which agency is MOST suited to handle the patient's worries?

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The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program was founded by the Older Americans Act, which also stipulates that every state must have an ombudsman program. To make sure that the care accords with state regulations, ombudsmen offer services to residents in nursing homes and other long-term care facilities. The patient should address issues to this program since it offers resident advocates. Ombudsman advocates work to assist patients in resolving problems with care quality, food, conflicts, drugs, risks, and disrespectful or indifferent service, among other issues.

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