FREE Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse Questions and Answers


Mr. Miller must keep a sleep journal prior to his polysomnogram, which is planned. What one of the following is evaluated using a sleep log?

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A patient's sleep diary is a crucial component of the evaluation. Usually two weeks prior to the test, the patient records their sleeping patterns. The sleep journal typically consists of two parts: Before bed, the patient rates his or her mood on a scale of one to five, with five being the best mood. He also records any prescriptions he has taken, particularly any sleeping pills, as well as the time the lights are turned out. Upon waking up, the patient calculates the duration of sleep, the number of awakenings throughout the night, and the time of awakening. Once more, the patient rates his level of happiness on a one to five scale.

A 35-year-old MS patient experiences chronic constipation but only infrequent fecal incontinence. What intervention is MOST appropriate from the list below?

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For people with multiple sclerosis (MS), a thorough bowel-training program is frequently required because over 70% of individuals develop bowel problems. Bowel training often starts with timed defecation, increased dietary fiber, enough liquid intake, and stool softeners if necessary (at first, this may be assisted by the use of a glycerin suppository). Laxatives ought to be avoided because they might prolong constipation. With persistent fecal incontinence, regular use of a suppository may be advised to better regulate feces.

When speaking, a patient with a Middle Eastern background stands uncomfortably close to the CRRN (about two feet away). What does this likely imply?

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The patient's perception of personal space differs from that of the CRRN's. Middle Easterners and Hispanics, for example, stand within 4 feet of one another when speaking, but many Americans and northern Europeans stand at a greater distance. Different cultures have quite different ideas on what constitutes personal space. Determining a comfortable distance for conversation can be aided by allowing the patient to approach or by noticing whether he or she tends to draw closer, lean forward, or move back.

A four-year-old girl who was born with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt and myelomeningocele at L3 underwent postnatal surgery to close the lesion on her back. The MOST suitable objective for a physical therapy program is which of the following?

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In spite of having paralyzed ankles and toes, a child with L3 myelomeningocele should be able to flex her hips and extend her knees, so functional ambulation with crutches or a walker and orthotics to stabilize the foot and ankles is a realistic goal for the majority of kids, depending on their motivation. Parental support for gait training should be supplemented with physical treatment. The kid is typically taught to stand up, stand up straight, and adopt a four-point gait sequentially as part of the training process that starts at the parallel bars. With the aid of a rolling walker, the kid develops a three-point gait after mastering these initial steps.

What does the term "reliability" mean when analyzing data and results?

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Results ought to be repeatable. Sensitivity – Data should cover all positive examples, taking into consideration variables, lowering false negatives, among other data concerns. Specificity – To reduce false positives, data should only include examples that are relevant to the measurement's needs and remove those that apply to a similar but unrelated group. Data should be categorized into subsets while taking various factors into account. Recordability: The tool or indicator should be able to gather and evaluate the required data. Reproducibility of results is important. Usability – The tool or indicator must be simple to use and comprehend. Validity – The collection should accurately measure the target such that the findings are prognostic.

Which of the following methods of massage therapy typically uses broad, rhythmic strokes that start out gently and get stronger as they relax the recipient and reveal any tightness or pain?

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Effleurage: A rhythmic, broad stroke applied to the tissue with the palms of the hands that starts off lightly and intensifies over time. Trigger point: To lessen spasticity and pain, pressure is applied with a finger or thumb to locations of point soreness. Pétrissage: A kneading massage that is typically used to major muscle groups, like the calf or thigh, to promote blood flow. In order to stretch the muscles and prevent adhesions and scarring during recovery, apply pressure parallel to or across the muscle fibers during massage.

What are the three PRIMARY variables that should be taken into account while conducting a pretransfer assessment?

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Physical: Weight; knee, shoulder, and arm extension; the presence of muscle spasms; balance (lateral and anterior-posterior); mobility; the need for assistive devices; weight-bearing ability; and upper body strength. Cognitive: The patient's level of independence and functional skills should also be evaluated. Cognitive: Capacity for communication and comprehension, awareness of dangers. emotional: drive, apprehension, and worries.

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