FREE CJBAT Test Question and Answers


It is referred as ______ incapacitation that concentrates on criminals with a high probability of serious recidivism.

Correct! Wrong!

Selective incapacitation involves targeting specific individuals who have demonstrated a high likelihood of committing serious offenses if left in the community.

A punishment based on the ______ principle, would be an eye for an eye.

Correct! Wrong!

A punishment based on the principle of retribution would involve seeking revenge or "an eye for an eye" as a way of balancing the scales of justice, often by inflicting a punishment that is perceived to be equivalent to the harm caused by the original offense.

In the front row, how many people are wearing dresses?

Correct! Wrong!

A dress is worn by one person in the front row.

For the majority of the 20th century, the concept of __________ dominated much thinking regarding punishment.

Correct! Wrong!

The rehabilitation approach to punishment focused on the idea that offenders could be effectively treated and reformed through various programs, therapies, and interventions while serving their sentences. T

One to five years in prison constitutes a/an __________ sentence.

Correct! Wrong!

One to five years in prison constitutes an "indeterminate" sentence. An indeterminate sentence is a type of sentence where the length of incarceration is not fixed; instead, it provides a range of time within which an inmate may be released.

The depudy discussed the possibility of returning to school to get a bachelor's degree with the sheriff.
The previous statement contains a misspelled word. It is

Correct! Wrong!

The correct spelling of depudy is deputy. The spelling of the other words was accurate.

This is the older theory of punishment.

Correct! Wrong!

"Retribution" is an older theory of punishment that emphasizes punishment as a way to seek revenge or balance the scales of justice. This theory suggests that individuals who commit crimes should be punished in a manner that is proportionate to the harm they have caused.

A perspective of criminal justice that assumes that each component of the system primarily functions to further its own interests.

Correct! Wrong!

This model emphasizes the potential for competition, power struggles, and differing goals among these components. It implies that justice might not always be the primary outcome, as each component may prioritize its own interests over broader societal considerations.

Here is a graph showing the number of serious crimes in one American city in 2001, 2005, 2009, and 2013.
Which year saw a decrease in auto thefts compared to robberies?

Correct! Wrong!

Fewer than 2000 robberies and fewer than 2000 auto thefts occurred in 2013. The number of auto thefts exceeds the number of robberies every other year.

The suspect was ________ by the witness as a man in his late 20s.
Which of these terms should be used to complete the sentence?

Correct! Wrong!

The term that should be used to complete the blank is described. The remaining words in this phrase are all meaningless. Give an account or relate facts when you describe.
Subscribing implies regularly getting something, such as a cable TV subscription.
To recommend anything, such as a doctor's prescription, is to prescribe.
When something is attributed, it suggests that someone else caused it, as in "Sam ascribed his hurting knees to too much jogging yesterday."

How many of the three people in the front wearing glasses?

Correct! Wrong!

The woman the dog is in front of is the only one with glasses.

What has been the trend in sentencing since the mid-1970s?

Correct! Wrong!

Since the mid-1970s, there has been a trend towards reducing judicial and parole board discretion in sentencing. This trend is often associated with "mandatory minimum sentencing" and "truth-in-sentencing" laws that have been implemented in many jurisdictions. These laws aim to standardize and limit the discretion of judges and parole boards when determining sentences for certain offenses.

A criminal justice approach assumes that the system's elements cooperate to provide the societal good that we refer to as justice.

Correct! Wrong!

The Consensus Model of criminal justice emphasizes the idea that the various components of the criminal justice system—law enforcement, the judiciary, and corrections—work together harmoniously to achieve justice by upholding societal values and norms.

A perspective of criminal justice that assumes that each component of the system primarily functions to further its own interests.

Correct! Wrong!

This model emphasizes the potential for competition, power struggles, and differing goals among these components. It implies that justice might not always be the primary outcome, as each component may prioritize its own interests over broader societal considerations.

The cops had to complete documents authorizing overtime when the prison transport vehicle arived more than two hours late.
The previous statement contains a misspelled word. It is

Correct! Wrong!

The correct spelling of arive is arrived. The spelling of the other words is accurate.

Which of the following meets the definition of incapacitation most accurately?

Correct! Wrong!

Incapacitation refers to the practice of physically preventing an individual from committing further crimes by confining or removing them in a way that restricts their ability to harm others. Both "life in prison" and "the death penalty" achieve this by either permanently confining the individual in a controlled environment (prison) or ending their life altogether (death penalty), thereby eliminating their capacity to commit crimes outside of those options.

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