Crypto Trading Binance Margin Test


How frequently is margin interest determined?

Correct! Wrong!

When your margin wallet's liquidation risk ratio (total assets/total debts) is reached. Which of the following options best sums up what will occur?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following circumstances will make you liquidate?

Correct! Wrong!

How often is the interest on the margin calculated?

Correct! Wrong!

When trading on Marginn, a forced liquidation takes place when the liquidation risk ratio is reached by the margin risk ratio (total assets minus total debts). In the event of a forced liquidation, users are assessed a "Liquidation Clearance Fee." Which of the above statements best describes liquidation clearance fees?

Correct! Wrong!

What should you do if you receive a margin call notification?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following doesn't have an impact on your borrowing limit?

Correct! Wrong!