SwiftUI Test 1
In Swift, we can return multiple values from a function by using?
A quick function can return several results. It is possible to achieve this by returning a tuple. We can bundle many values of different types into a tuple and return it.
Which of the following is an incorrect Swift value type?
Character is the incorrect value type for Swift.
Classes, structs, and enums are the three ways to declare a type in Swift. Value types (structs and enums) and reference types can be distinguished (classes). The distinction between them is defined by how they are kept in memory:
What Should We Use To Unwrap Value Inside Optional?
The if l syntax, which unwraps with a condition, is a typical manner of unwrapping optionals.
What is an LLVM, exactly?
LLVM is a library for creating, optimizing, and generating intermediate and/or binary machine code. You can use LLVM as a compiler framework by providing both the "front end" (parser and lexer) and the "back end" (code that translates LLVM's representation to machine code).
Keywords are used to create Contants in Swift.
In a quick programming language, we can specify constants by using the " let " keyword. In a quick programming language, the syntax for declaring a constant is as follows.
Which of the following is an example of a widely used third-party library for iOS?
For iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS, AFNetworking is a lovely networking library. It's based on the Foundation URL Loading System, which extends Cocoa's robust high-level networking abstractions. It offers a modular architecture that is easy to use and includes well-designed, feature-rich APIs.
To Use Null As An Initializer For A Variable...
The correct answer:
_______ is used to create mutable objects.
When we use the var keyword to declare stored instance properties, we create mutable instance properties, which means we can alter their values for each new instance. We create a mutable object, which is an object that can change its state, when we create an instance of a class that defines numerous public-stored attributes.
Which Swift compiler directive will cause an error to be generated?
Swift is forced to report an error when the #error compiler directive is used. When you're giving code to someone and they need to fill in a critical value, such as an API key, this is beneficial.