Canadian-Citizenship Practice Test – Who We Are


What is Canada's largest religious affiliation?

Correct! Wrong!

Who speak the dialect known as Michif?

Correct! Wrong!

Which of these peoples were NOT one of the founding peoples of Canada?

Correct! Wrong!

Poets and songwriters have hailed Canada as:

Correct! Wrong!

Define Anglophones.

Correct! Wrong!

What recognition was given in 2006 by the House of Commons for its unique identity and culture?

Correct! Wrong!

Who are the Acadians?

Correct! Wrong!

The majority of Francophones live in the Province of:

Correct! Wrong!

What was Canada's original constitutional document of 1867 known as?

Correct! Wrong!

The majority of the Métis live where?

Correct! Wrong!

What is known as the Great Upheaval?

Correct! Wrong!

Define Francophones.

Correct! Wrong!

What key phrase in the British North American Act of 1867 do institutions uphold a commitment to?

Correct! Wrong!

Which is the only officially bilingual province?

Correct! Wrong!

Since the 1970s, what country has the majority of immigrants to Canada come from?

Correct! Wrong!

Population wise, which group of Aboriginals is the largest in Canada?

Correct! Wrong!