3D Modeling Practice Test
What does the acronym HSDS stand for?
A subdivision surface is de- fined over an initial control mesh, and a subdivision scheme is used to refine the
control mesh iteratively by recalculating vertex positions and inserting new vertices according to specified
rules (masks). A hierarchy of meshes converging to a smooth limit surface is created through recursive
What is the name of the reactor that is used to break items into fragments?
The correct answer
To integrate Biped inside the physique modifier, which portion should be chosen?
The correct answer
To delete an Edge as well as the Vertises. What did you select to do?
Shift+Enter/Bkspace is used only in the VC, while Ctrl+q or Ctrl+shift+q lowers/raises the field of view
in the 2D cockpit to be able to see the runway.
What map is used to make an object shine?
The brightness of the specular is measured in specular level. You might use a color map instead, depending
on the shader, to regulate brightness and colorize the specular. The breadth of the specular gloss is equal to
the specular gloss. A narrow specular resembles an extremely smooth shiny surface, whereas a wide specular
resembles a coarser surface.
What is the extent of the Motion File in a Biped?
BIM is for folks who do 3D modeling or need to edit 3D models directly. The goal of BIC is to make it easier for
everyone engaged in the design-build process to communicate information. BIP is for building owners and
buyers who aren't involved in the design-build process yet require knowledge to make decisions.
If Front of Refrence Co System Z Is Depth in "View" Mode, what will it be in Local?
The correct answer
The concept of radiosity is founded on......
The correct answer
Which map produces a depth illusion?
Regardless of the direction of the light source, a bump map tells the renderer which regions of a surface are
brighter and which sections are darker. A normal map connects fake surface normals to the rest of 3D space,
determining how the texture interacts with the displayed light source mathematically.
Is there a Data Operator Node in 3Ds Max 2010's Particle System?
The correct answer
In Max, where do you see Nodes?
The Schematic View is a node-based scene graph that allows you to access object data, materials, controllers,
modifiers, hierarchy, and hidden scene interactions like wired parameters and instancing.
What isn't an exposure controller?
The correct answer
Photometric is not an exposure controller.
Can Light Tracer and Radiosity Processes Be Used Together?
The correct answer
Is Backface Culling in the Viewport Affecting Object Rendering?
Back-face culling refers to the rendering engine ignoring faces whose normal is not towards the camera.
Because the normal of a newly constructed cube is normal facing outside, you must filp the normal Alt N
in mesh edit mode.
Which is a deflector that is based on an object.
UDeflector is a deflector that is based on an item. After you've finished creating it, go to the Object Based
Deflector and choose the ground plane object.
Which one is a Global Super sampler?
Mitchell–Netravali filters, often known as BC-splines, are a class of reconstruction filters used mostly in
computer graphics. They can be used for anti-aliasing and scaling raster graphics, among other things.
Because they are bi-dimensional cubic splines, they are also known as bicubic filters in picture editing tools.
Which of the following is not an Autodesk Master for 3Ds MAX product?
Alex Alvarez is a YouTube sensation known for his own channel. On his YouTube account,
he has 909k subscribers.
Can Particle be exported from 3DS Max to MAYA?
The correct answer
Is 3DS Max equipped with the Ray Marching algorithm?
The correct answer
The first box is where you fill in the necessary information.
Box modeling is a 3D modeling technique in which the basic shape of the final object is created using
a primitive shape (such as a box, cylinder, or sphere). The final product is then sculpted out of this basic
outline. To get to the final product, the process employs a series of recurring processes, which might
result in a more efficient and controlled modeling process.
The three-dimensional view of your shot.
A projection of a 3-D model to a 2-D visual surface is specified by PerspectiveCamera. Perspective
foreshortening is used in this projection. In other words, a frustrum whose sides converge toward
a point on the horizon is described by the PerspectiveCamera.
A rotating light that is used to simulate sunshine.
The correct answer is
Directional Light
Instead of typing commands, software that uses images to click on buttons.
A GUI (graphical user interface) is a set of visual components that interact with computer software.
A graphical user interface (GUI) shows elements that convey information and indicate actions that
the user can do. When the user interacts with the items, they change color, size, and visibility.
To make a label that may be applied to a surface, combine a color map with a transparency map.
The correct answer
Stencil Maps
The patterning of the edges around the model.
The correct answer