OET Practice Test Nursing
You hear a dietitian discussing a patient's. What exactly is she up to?
Correct answer: addressing the patient's obesity misunderstanding
You hear members of a hospital committee discussing X-ray department issues. The problems arise as a result of a delay in
Correct answer: obtaining authorization for a machine repair
After a training activity, you hear a senior nurse providing feedback to a trainee. The trainee admits that he failed to
Correct answer: locate the CPR board in a timely manner
You will hear a trainee nurse inquiring about the use of anti-embolism socks (AES) for a patient. Because the patient isn't wearing socks,
Correct answer: her legs have sensory loss
You hear a veterinarian discussing her role in the management of her practice. What does she think of her role?
Correct answer: She values the greater understanding it gives her of her work.
You hear a physiotherapist giving a presentation about a study she was a part of. She claims that her findings are particular interest because of
Correct answer: the age of the subjects
You hear Mark, a sports physiotherapist, give a presentation about treating a high jumper who has a knee problem. Mark discovered when he initially met the patient that
Correct answer: she was thinking of retiring from her sport
You hear Dr. John Smith, a clinical psychiatrist, give a talk about the importance of individual patients' experiences and'stories' in medicine. Why should patients' stories inform medical practice, according to Dr. Smith?
Correct answer: They give you information that you wouldn't get from numbers alone
At a staff training day, you hear two trainee doctors participating in an activity. What does the activity give practice in?
Correct answer: prioritising patients
You hear a radiographer discussing MRI scan with a patient. What exactly is he up to?
Correct answer: Dealing with her specific problems
You hear two nurses debating a nursing journal article. On what point do they agree?
Correct answer: It's likely to lead in practice changes.
You hear two hospital executives discussing a staff time management course. They believe that only a small number of people have expressed an interest because
Correct answer: they believe it is unrelated to them
You hear the manager of an aged care facility talking with the nursing staff. Errors in distributing medication to patients, he claims, are mainly the result of
Correct answer: Interruptions during dosage calculations
You hear a nurse giving a patient update to a colleague. What is it that she is warning her colleague about?
Correct answer: Care needs to be taken to prevent the patient from falling
You will hear a given instructions on how to take photographs at the hospital. What is required before a medical practitioner to photograph a patient and their procedures?
Correct answer: The patient's consent
You will hear a doctor discussing the diagnosis with the patient's wife. How did the doctor's information affect the wife?
Correct answer: Hesitant to tell other members of the family about the prognosis
You hear a nurse calling a patient's condition with a doctor. What made the registrar think the patient was seriously ill?
Correct answer: Abnormal vital signs were reported
You hear a conversation between two doctors about adjuvants used in vaccines. Which of the statements below is correct?
Correct answer: Cervarix is free of aluminum salts
You hear a physician's monologue about Typhus Fevers. Sylvatic typhus is also referred to as;
Correct answer: Murine typhus
You hear two doctors discussing VX and its side effects. Which of the statements below is correct?
Correct answer: Within seconds of being exposed to the liquid form of VX, symptoms will begin to appear.
You hear a doctor give a speech about Rubella disease. Rubella vaccination is not recommended for;
Correct answer: Shingles
You hear two nurses talking about a patient's treatment plan. Before he can be discharged, the patient needs
Correct answer: instructions on how to self-administer medicine.
You hear a surgeon giving a team a briefing about an upcoming surgery. What is her main concern in terms of the post-operative period?
Correct answer: Whether the patient's discomfort will be properly managed.
You hear a senior doctor and a junior doctor discussing a differential blood test. Which of the following symptoms indicated chronic myeloid leukemia?
Correct answer: High basophil count
In the obstetrics section, you hear a nurse discussing with the obstetrician. She is concerned because the patient
Correct answer: has a negative reaction to discovering of her pregnancy.