FREE IMST Information Governance Questions and Answers


Which of the following is the primary goal of Information Governance (IG)?

Correct! Wrong!

The primary goal of Information Governance (IG) is to ensure that information is properly managed throughout its lifecycle, addressing compliance, security, accessibility, and business value. This involves creating policies and frameworks to manage risks, safeguard data, and optimize information use.

Which of the following best describes the role of a Data Steward in Information Governance?

Correct! Wrong!

A Data Steward is responsible for ensuring the accuracy, accessibility, and consistency of data within an organization. They enforce data governance policies, monitor data quality, and ensure that data is used in compliance with regulatory requirements and business objectives.

In the context of Information Governance, what is data classification?

Correct! Wrong!

Data classification is the process of organizing data into categories based on its sensitivity, criticality, and value to the organization. This helps in applying the appropriate security measures, access controls, and compliance protocols for different data types.

Which regulation primarily governs the protection of personal data for individuals within the European Union (EU)?

Correct! Wrong!

The GDPR is a comprehensive regulation enacted by the European Union that governs the collection, use, and protection of personal data. It applies to organizations that handle data belonging to EU citizens, requiring strict adherence to privacy and data protection principles.

What does data retention policy in information governance refer to?

Correct! Wrong!

A data retention policy defines how long data should be kept based on legal, regulatory, and business requirements. It ensures that data is retained for the appropriate amount of time and securely disposed of when no longer needed.

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