FREE AQT Emergency Procedures Questions and Answers


What is the correct procedure if the aircraft’s landing gear fails to deploy?

Correct! Wrong!

If the landing gear fails to deploy, the pilot should first attempt to manually extend the landing gear using the emergency gear extension procedures if available. If that fails, the pilot should then consider circling the airport to prepare for an emergency landing and notify emergency services.

What should a pilot do in the event of an in-flight fire?

Correct! Wrong!

In the event of an in-flight fire, the pilot should use the fire extinguisher if appropriate and follow the emergency checklist specific to the type of fire (e.g., electrical or engine fire). Maintaining a safe altitude is also important, but the priority is to control the fire using established procedures.

If the autopilot becomes unresponsive, what should a pilot do?

Correct! Wrong!

If the autopilot becomes unresponsive, the pilot should switch to manual control of the aircraft and continue to fly the plane. While troubleshooting the autopilot may be necessary, maintaining control of the aircraft is the priority.

How should a pilot handle a situation where cabin decompression occurs?

Correct! Wrong!

In the event of cabin decompression, the pilot should immediately don oxygen masks and initiate a descent to a lower altitude where breathable air is available. Securing the aircraft and communicating with ATC is also necessary but secondary to addressing the immediate need for oxygen and descent.

What is the primary action a pilot should take if an engine fails during takeoff?

Correct! Wrong!

If an engine fails during takeoff, the safest immediate action is to abort the takeoff and apply the brakes to bring the aircraft to a stop. Attempting to restart the engine or continue the takeoff can be risky, especially if the aircraft is not yet airborne or if there is insufficient runway left.

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