FREE ACSF Literacy Skills Questions and Answers


Which of the following sentences is the most clear and concise?

Correct! Wrong!

This sentence is clear and concise, directly linking the reason (rain) with the action (canceled picnic). It avoids unnecessary words and complexity, making the message easy to understand.

What is the primary purpose of a summary?

Correct! Wrong!

A summary distills the essential ideas from a larger text into a brief overview, capturing the main points without going into extensive detail. This helps the reader grasp the overall message quickly.

In the sentence, "The cat sat on the mat because it was tired," what does "it" refer to?

Correct! Wrong!

In this sentence, "it" is a pronoun that refers to the subject of the previous clause, which is "the cat." This is an example of how pronouns are used to avoid repetition and make sentences clearer.

Which word best fits in the blank: "She was feeling very __________ after hearing the good news."

Correct! Wrong!

The context of "good news" typically leads to positive feelings, so "excited" is the most appropriate word to describe a reaction to good news. The other options imply negative or unrelated emotions.

What is the purpose of headings and subheadings in a document?

Correct! Wrong!

Headings and subheadings help structure a document by breaking it into manageable sections and making it easier for the reader to navigate and find specific information. They do not replace the need for an introduction or simply provide space between paragraphs.

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