FREE CPM Frameworks and Tools Questions and Answers


Which of the following are examples of useful KPIs for a product manager to track?

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A) Customer Acquisition Cost: This KPI helps measure the efficiency of marketing and sales efforts in acquiring new customers. B) Net Promoter Score: NPS measures customer satisfaction and loyalty, which is key to long-term product success. D) Customer Churn Rate: Tracking churn helps the product manager understand retention issues and opportunities for improvement.

What is the primary purpose of a product roadmap?

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A product roadmap is a high-level strategic document that outlines the product's vision, priorities, and development timeline. It is a communication tool for aligning internal teams and stakeholders on the future direction of the product.

Which of the following are key components of a go-to-market strategy?

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A) Target Audience: Knowing who your product is aimed at is crucial for crafting marketing and sales messages. B) Product Pricing: Determining how to price your product is a critical part of the go-to-market strategy. C) Sales Enablement Materials: These materials help the sales team communicate the value of the product effectively. D) Post-launch Support: Planning for customer support after the product launch ensures a smooth experience for customers and helps retain them.

In a SWOT analysis, which of the following would be considered an external factor?

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Opportunities and Threats are external factors in a SWOT analysis. Opportunities refer to external chances to improve performance, while threats are external risks or challenges the product might face.

Why are personas important in product management?

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A) Customer Segments: Personas help identify and understand the characteristics, behaviors, and needs of different customer segments. C) Feature Development: Personas are used to design features that cater to the specific needs and pain points of each customer segment. E) Stakeholder Communication: Personas help communicate customer insights clearly to stakeholders, ensuring alignment on product direction.

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