FREE FCLE Founding Documents and Landmark Supreme Court Cases Test 1


A political community that occupies a definite territory and has an organized government with the power to make and enforce laws without approval from any higher authority.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "State." A state refers to a political community that has a specific territory and a government that has the authority to create and enforce laws independently, without needing approval from any higher authority. This term distinguishes it from other options like "nation" or "confederacy," which may not have the same level of centralized power. Additionally, "democracy" refers to a specific type of government system rather than the broader concept of a political community.

A loose union of independent states.

Correct! Wrong!

A confederacy is a form of government in which a group of independent states unite for a common purpose, but retain their individual sovereignty and government power. Each state in a confederacy holds the majority of its own governance rights and has more power than the central government. This term best describes a loose union of independent states.

An agreement about basic beliefs.

Correct! Wrong!

Consensus refers to an agreement or general understanding among a group of people regarding basic beliefs or principles. It implies that there is a shared perspective or common ground on important matters. In the context of the given options, consensus is the most appropriate choice as it aligns with the concept of reaching a mutual understanding or agreement about fundamental beliefs. The other options, such as sovereignty, constitution, political party, and capitalism, do not directly relate to the idea of a shared agreement on basic beliefs.

The law that involves the interpretation and application of the US constitution and the state constitutions.

Correct! Wrong!

Constitutional law refers to the body of law that deals with the interpretation and application of the US constitution and the state constitutions. It encompasses the principles and rules that govern the relationship between the government and its citizens, as well as the distribution of powers among different branches of government. Constitutional law is crucial in ensuring the protection of individual rights and upholding the principles of a constitutional government. It is distinct from other concepts such as constitution, constitutional government, socialism, and free enterprise, which may be related but do not specifically pertain to the interpretation and application of constitutional law.

A country in which the territory of both the nation and the state coincide.

Correct! Wrong!

A nation-state refers to a country where the territory of both the nation (a group of people who share a common culture, language, and history) and the state (a political entity with sovereignty over a defined territory) coincide. In other words, it is a country where the political boundaries align with the cultural and ethnic boundaries. This term is often used to describe countries like Japan, France, and Germany, where the majority of the population shares a common national identity and is governed by a centralized government.

A plan that provides the rules for government.

Correct! Wrong!

A constitution is a plan that provides the rules for government. It outlines the structure and powers of the government, as well as the rights and responsibilities of its citizens. A constitution serves as a framework for the functioning of a country's political system and ensures that power is divided and limited among different branches of government. It also protects individual rights and provides a mechanism for resolving disputes and making changes to the government. Therefore, a constitution is the correct answer as it best describes a plan that provides the rules for government.

The supreme and absolute authority within territorial boundaries.

Correct! Wrong!

Sovereignty refers to the supreme and absolute authority within territorial boundaries. It represents the power and independence of a nation or state to govern itself without interference from external forces. Sovereignty is a key principle in the field of political science and is often enshrined in a country's constitution. It signifies the ability of a government to make decisions, enforce laws, and exercise control over its territory and population.

The theory that by contract, people surrender to the state the power needed to maintain order, and the state, in turn, agrees to protect its citizens.

Correct! Wrong!

The concept of a social contract refers to the theory that individuals willingly give up some of their freedoms and rights to a governing authority in exchange for protection and the maintenance of order. This agreement is seen as the basis for the establishment of a government, where citizens entrust the state with their power and the state, in turn, agrees to safeguard their well-being and uphold their rights. This idea has played a significant role in shaping political systems and theories throughout history.

The nation only beginning to develop industrially:

Correct! Wrong!

The term "developing nation" refers to a country that is in the early stages of industrialization and economic growth. This means that the nation is in the process of transitioning from an agrarian or traditional economy to one that is more industrialized. The other options, such as "industrialized nation" and "republic," do not accurately describe a nation that is only beginning to develop industrially. Therefore, the correct answer is "developing nation."

Groups of people united by bonds of race, language, custom, tradition, and sometimes religion.

Correct! Wrong!

A nation refers to a group of people who are connected through common factors such as race, language, customs, traditions, and sometimes religion. It is a social and cultural entity that shares a sense of identity and belonging. Unlike consensus, state, government, and capitalism, which are more specific terms, nation encompasses a broader concept of a unified group of people.

The institution through which the state maintains social order provides public services and enforces binding decisions on citizens.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is government. A government is the institution through which the state maintains social order, provides public services, and enforces binding decisions on citizens. It is responsible for creating and implementing laws, policies, and regulations that govern a society. Governments can take various forms, such as democracies, monarchies, or dictatorships, but their main function is to ensure the functioning and stability of a society.

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