FREE FCLE American Government and Political Institutions Test 3


Which one would not be an example of a primary source?

Correct! Wrong!

A textbook would not be an example of a primary source because it is a secondary source that compiles information from various primary sources. Primary sources are original materials that provide direct evidence or firsthand accounts of an event or topic, such as diary accounts or letters from soldiers. The Declaration of Independence is also a primary source as it is a firsthand document that holds historical significance.

The USA has this form of government today.

Correct! Wrong!

The USA has a republic/representative democracy as its form of government today. In this system, the citizens elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. These representatives are responsible for creating and implementing laws and policies that reflect the will of the people. This form of government allows for a balance of power and ensures that the voices of the citizens are heard through their elected representatives.


Correct! Wrong!

Dictatorship is a form of government where one leader or person holds absolute control over the lives of the people in the nation. In this system, the citizens do not hold political power and do not elect leaders to represent their rights and interests. Instead, the ruler, often referred to as a dictator, has complete authority and makes all the decisions without any checks or balances. This type of government often suppresses individual freedoms and can lead to a lack of democracy and human rights.

In contrast to a democracy, which form of govt. uses the military to maintain power against the people's consent? ( hint: what is the opposite)

Correct! Wrong!

A dictatorship is a form of government that uses the military to maintain power against the people's consent. Unlike a democracy, where power is held by the people through elected representatives, a dictatorship is characterized by a single ruler or a small group of individuals who have absolute control and authority over the government and its decisions. In a dictatorship, the military is often used to suppress dissent and maintain the ruler's power, disregarding the consent and will of the people.


Correct! Wrong!

Theocracy refers to a form of government where God is acknowledged as the primary or main political authority. In a theocratic system, religious leaders or institutions hold significant power and influence over the governance of the nation. This means that religious principles and beliefs often shape the laws and policies of the government. Unlike a monarchy where a king or queen rules the nation or a democracy where citizens hold political power, a theocracy places religious authority at the center of political decision-making.


Correct! Wrong!

Democracy is a system of government where citizens have the power to participate in decision-making and influence the policies and laws of the country. It is characterized by the rule of the people, either directly or through elected representatives. In a democracy, the ultimate authority lies with the citizens, who exercise their power through voting, participating in political processes, and holding their government accountable. This ensures that the government is responsive to the needs and desires of the people it represents.

Use the following quote to help you answer the question below: "It must be acknowledged that the term 'republic' is of a very vague application in every language... I would say purely and simply it means a government by its citizens in mass, acting directly and personally according to the rules of the majority."- Thomas Jefferson 1816 Which statement summarizes Jefferson's ideas about a republic form of government?

Correct! Wrong!

The statement "the power of government rests with the citizens" summarizes Jefferson's ideas about a republic form of government. According to Jefferson, a republic is a government where the citizens collectively and directly exercise power, making decisions based on the majority's rules. This implies that the authority and control lie in the hands of the people rather than being concentrated in the leaders at the top of the government.

The Declaration of Independence laid the foundation for democratic thinking.

Correct! Wrong!

The Declaration of Independence, signed in 1776, is a foundational document in American history. It proclaimed the colonies' independence from Britain and articulated the principles of equality, natural rights, and the consent of the governed. These ideas were revolutionary at the time and set the stage for democratic thinking. The Declaration's emphasis on individual rights and the idea that governments derive their power from the people influenced the development of democratic systems of government around the world. Therefore, it is true that the Declaration of Independence laid the foundation for democratic thinking.


Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is mob rule or chaos and disorder - lack of government. Anarchy refers to a state of society where there is no government or authority, resulting in a lack of order and control. In such a situation, power is often decentralized, leading to mob rule or chaos where individuals or groups act according to their own interests without any governing structure. This absence of a central authority can result in a breakdown of law and order, leading to disorder and instability within a society.

Representative Democracy

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is voters elect representatives to help make decisions in government. In a representative democracy, the power lies with the people who elect representatives to make decisions on their behalf. This system allows for a more organized and efficient governance as compared to a situation where the entire population directly participates in decision-making. It ensures that the interests and opinions of the citizens are represented and considered in the decision-making process, promoting a fair and balanced government.


Correct! Wrong!

In a monarchy, the political power of the nation is held by the king or queen who rules and leads the nation. This means that the monarch has the ultimate authority and decision-making power over the government and its policies. Unlike other forms of government, such as a democracy or dictatorship, where power is distributed among the people or a single leader respectively, a monarchy places the responsibility and control solely in the hands of the monarch.

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