Free FAST Resources Knowledge Questions and Answers


Solve for p: p⁄6 — 68 = 4p + 16 (Round your answer to the tenths place)

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Isolate the variable on one side of the = sign. -16 -68 = 4p –p⁄6 Now simplify the math. -84 = 4p - p⁄6 To get rid of the 6 in the denominator, multiply both sides of the equation by 6. -504 = 24p - p Simplify the variables side of the equation -504 + 23 p Divide both sides of the equation by 23. -21.9 = p

If sue bikes 30 miles west of camp, and the bikes 40 miles due north, what is the shortest distance back to camp in miles?

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The correct answer is 50. Sue's travels are two legs a and b of a right triangle, so the shortest distance back is given by the hypotenuse c, calculated using a2 +b2 = c2.

The junior class of a local high school sold Candy Grams the week before Valentine's Day to raise money for the Prom.

They raised: Monday - $98.25, Tuesday - $101.50, Wednesday - $155.00, Thursday - $137.75, and Friday - $201.50

Correct! Wrong!

Total sales were $694. $694 ÷ 2776 = $0.25

What is the fraction equivalent to 0.14?

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0.14 = 14⁄100 Simplify by dividing 2 into the numerator and the denominator to get 7⁄50

Jameson weights 45.2 kilograms. If he is going to reduce his weight in the ratio 5:4, find his new weight. (Round to the nearest whole number)

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(45.2)(4) = (5)x Solve for x

Solve for q: 2q – 12 = -40

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Isolate the variable. 2q = 12 – 40 Now subtract 40 from 12 to get -28 Remember when you are adding or subtracting 2 numbers and each has a different sign, subtract and take the sign of the larger number. Now you have the equation, 2q = -28 Divide both sides of the equation by 2 and you will get q = -14

A number multiplied by itself, or raised to the power of 2, is called a ______.

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A square will have an exponent of 2. A perfect square is a number gotten by squaring a whole number such as 3^2=9. A square root, on the other hand, is the inverse of squaring any number.

Mr. Pandolph can travel 80 kilometers on 26 liters of Gasoline. He lives 10 kilometers from the clinic where he works.
How many liters of Gasoline will he need to get back and forth from work in 5 days? (Round up your answer to the nearest whole number)

Correct! Wrong!

Set up a ratio: 80⁄26 = 100⁄x. 100 = the number of miles he will drive in 5 days (5 × 10 × 2) to get to and from work. Cross multiply and divide. x = 32.5 Round this to the nearest whole number and get 33 liters.

Solve (x – 5)2 = 49 for x.

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is -2. Take the square roots of both sides to get x – 5 = 7 or x – 5 = – 7, and solve for x to get x = 12 or x = -2. Remember that quadratics (squared terms) have two possible answers.

Solve for h: 19h - 13 = 227 + 7h

Correct! Wrong!

Isolate the variable and solve for h. 12h = 240

What percentage of the new Anatomy class was taking the class a second time if the current enrollment for the class is 72 and 53 are new students?

Correct! Wrong!

72 - 53 = 19 and 19 ÷ 72 = 0.26 Move the decimal point 2 places to the right to get the percent equivalent to the decimal: 26%

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