Free EMD Training and Protocol Systems Practice Test


EMTs provide advanced life support to victims.

Correct! Wrong!

EMTs do not provide advanced life support to victims. Instead, they provide basic life support. This may include performing CPR, controlling bleeding, and providing oxygen, among other basic medical interventions. Advanced life support, on the other hand, involves more advanced medical procedures such as administering medications, intubation, and cardiac monitoring. Therefore, the correct answer is false, as EMTs provide basic life support rather than advanced life support.

Taking a deep breath or avoiding personalizing the situation is a way to manage stress during an "in progress" incident.

Correct! Wrong!

Taking a deep breath or avoiding personalizing the situation can help manage stress during an "in progress" incident. By taking a deep breath, individuals can activate their body's relaxation response, which can help reduce stress levels. Avoiding personalizing the situation means not taking the incident as a personal attack or blaming oneself, which can also help in managing stress. Therefore, the statement is true as these techniques can be effective in dealing with stress during an ongoing incident.

An ________ incident is one that requires an immediate response due to persons in imminent danger of loss of life or limb or injuries beyond immediate first aid.

Correct! Wrong!

An emergency incident refers to a situation that demands an immediate response because individuals are at risk of losing their lives, limbs, or suffering injuries that cannot be addressed solely through first aid. This implies that the situation is critical and requires urgent attention and

All students in the 911 Public Safety Telecommunicator Program are expected to attend and successfully complete a CPR certification class.

Correct! Wrong!

In the 911 Public Safety Telecommunicator Program, it is expected that all students attend and successfully complete a CPR certification class. This implies that CPR certification is a requirement for the program and it is mandatory for students to participate in order to successfully complete the program. Therefore, the statement that all students in the program are expected to attend and complete a CPR certification class is true.

The Emergency Operations Center (EOP) is located at:

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "In a centralized location for representatives of all emergency support functions." This is because the Emergency Operations Center (EOP) is typically established in a central location that allows representatives from various emergency support functions to coordinate and collaborate effectively during an emergency situation. By being centrally located, the EOP ensures that all relevant personnel can easily access and communicate with each other, facilitating efficient response and decision-making.

The group whose mission is to support citizens and first responders to ensure that as a nation, we work together to build, sustain and improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate hazards is known as:

Correct! Wrong!

FEMA stands for the Federal Emergency Management Agency. It is the group whose mission is to support citizens and first responders in order to build, sustain, and improve the nation's capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate hazards. FEMA plays a crucial role in coordinating and providing assistance during emergencies and disasters, working together with various government agencies, organizations, and communities to ensure effective response and recovery efforts.

FEMA provides services for crisis counseling, unemployment, legal services, and special tax considerations.

Correct! Wrong!

FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, is responsible for providing various services during crisis situations. These services include crisis counseling to help individuals cope with the emotional and psychological impact of disasters, unemployment assistance to support those who have lost their jobs due to emergencies, legal services to help individuals navigate legal issues arising from disasters, and special tax considerations to provide relief and support to affected individuals and businesses. Therefore, the statement that FEMA provides services for crisis counseling, unemployment, legal services, and special tax considerations is true.

What is a sign of physical stress?

Correct! Wrong!

Insomnia is a sign of physical stress because it refers to the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. When the body is under stress, it releases stress hormones like cortisol, which can disrupt the sleep-wake cycle. Physical stress can be caused by various factors such as illness, injury, or excessive physical exertion. Insomnia can lead to fatigue, decreased cognitive function, and overall decreased physical and mental well-being. Therefore, insomnia is a clear indicator of physical stress on the body.

A high standard of ethical and moral conduct is an essential ingredient in the development of a professional public safety telecommunicator on or off duty.

Correct! Wrong!

A high standard of ethical and moral conduct is important for a professional public safety telecommunicator because they are responsible for handling emergency calls and providing assistance to people in distress. They need to be trustworthy, reliable, and ethical in order to effectively perform their duties and maintain public trust. Whether on or off duty, their behavior and actions can reflect on their profession and impact their ability to serve the public effectively. Therefore, it is crucial for a professional public safety telecommunicator to uphold a high standard of ethical and moral conduct.

A _________ is anything of value intended to benefit the giver more than the receiver, given to a person because of position and authority rather than because of individual or personal qualities.

Correct! Wrong!

A gratuity is a form of gift that is given to someone primarily because of their position or authority, rather than their individual qualities. It is something of value that is intended to benefit the giver more than the receiver.

Stress is defined as a reaction resulting from unpleasant or harmful events or consequences

Correct! Wrong!

The given statement is false because stress is not defined as a reaction resulting from unpleasant or harmful events or consequences. Instead, stress is a physiological and psychological response to any demand or challenge, whether it is positive or negative. It can be caused by both pleasant and unpleasant events, and the term "distress" specifically refers to negative or harmful stress. Therefore, stress and distress are not the same thing.

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