FREE FBLA MCQ Knowledge Questions and Answers


Which month is FBLA Week held in each year?

Correct! Wrong!

FBLA Week is indeed held during the month of February every year. It's a special time for members of Future Business Leaders of America to celebrate their organization, promote awareness, and engage in various activities to showcase the importance of business education and leadership development.

As of the now, who is the FBLA State Parliamentarian?

Correct! Wrong!

Who is the National FBLA-PBL Board of Directors' current chair?

Correct! Wrong!

Which state hosted the inaugural State FBLA chapter?

Correct! Wrong!

The first state chapter of FBLA was established in Iowa, not in 1994. FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) was founded in 1942, and the first state chapter was formed in Iowa in that same year. It's one of the historical milestones in the organization's development.

Which two activities take place at the Perry?

Correct! Wrong!

The two events held in Perry are the Fall Motivational Rally and the Middle Level SLC (State Leadership Conference). These events are important for members of FBLA in the Perry area and provide opportunities for motivation, skill development, and leadership training.

Who established FBLA?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is Hamden L. Forkner. He, along with four other business teachers, founded FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) in 1942.

Which competition is a brand-new offering for 2017–2018?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct answer is "Look at competitive events list." This event was introduced as a new competitive event for the 2017-2018 period. It seems to be related to a competition or event where participants are required to examine or review a list of competitive events.

How many people are members of the high school level nationwide?

Correct! Wrong!

The high school level of FBLA has over 250,000 members nationwide. FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) is a prominent organization that aims to prepare students for careers in business and leadership roles.

The 2018 Georgia FBLA State Leadership Conference is scheduled for when?

Correct! Wrong!

The 2018 Georgia FBLA State Leadership Conference was held on March 23-24, 2018. It's an important event for FBLA members in Georgia, providing opportunities for leadership development and competition.

Which state has the highest number of FBLA members?

Correct! Wrong!

Georgia typically has one of the largest FBLA memberships in the United States. FBLA is particularly popular in Georgia, with a significant number of active chapters and members participating in various events and competitions.

Who is the State Advisor for Georgia FBLA?

Correct! Wrong!

Monty Rhodes served as the Georgia FBLA State Advisor. It's always a good idea to verify such information with the latest sources, as personnel may change over time.

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