FREE PADI Open Water Diver Questions and Answers


Select the option that best fits the signal displayed among the available options.

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Two dives are planned by a group of advanced open water divers. The first dive lasts 20 minutes on a reef in a depth of 22 meters. After that, the group spends an hour on the surface. The second dive is scheduled to take place on a wreck in 18 meters of water, with a 30-minute bottom duration. After the second dive, what pressure group will finish first?

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Which of these tasks is necessary to properly maintain my scuba cylinder?

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Unless specifically stated otherwise by law, I should remain within ___________ of my dive flag.

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I begin my dive feeling a slight stream. How should this dive start for me?

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My intention is to take two dives.
The first dive lasts 49 minutes at a depth of 18 meters.
The second dive lasts 24 minutes at a depth of 18 meters. For these two dives to be done safely, how long would I need to spend on the surface (minimum surface interval)?

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I can utilize my backup computer to finish the dive if my primary computer malfunctions. If I don't have a backup on, I ought to:

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When I move downward, my wet suit will

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Decompression sickness (DCS) is more likely to strike me if I:

Correct! Wrong!

Gas narcotics may cause divers who behave foolishly at depth to revert to their usual behavior if they

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I take two dives in one day and catch a commercial flight home. I should hold off until ________ hours, or until my computer indicates I can take off, whichever comes first.

Correct! Wrong!

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