FREE Clinical Nurse Leader: Management & Leadership Questions and Answers


Lenny studies the path-goal hypothesis. Which of the following traits does the leader who adheres to this theory display?

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According to House and colleagues, the path-Goal theory rewards good performance to encourage similar behavior in others. According to the path-goal theory, a leader's actions depend on how happy, motivated, and productive their team members are. It is believed that a manager's role is to assist employees in selecting the best options for achieving both their own and the company's objectives.

Which of the following beliefs is referenced by the phrase "leaders are born and not made," which is included in one leadership theory?

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Leadership is a birthright for some people. This is also known as the Aristotelian hypothesis or Genetic theory. The fundamental principle of the Great Man theory of leadership, which contends that the ability for leadership is innate, is summed up in this quotation. This idea holds that either you are a natural leader or you are not. The phrase "Great Man" was used at the time because? Particularly in terms of military leadership, the quality of leadership was predominantly associated with men.

Kessy searches the internet for more details on different leadership philosophies. She reads that certain magnet hospitals employ shared leadership. Which of the following best sums up this leadership style?

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Staff nurses are given the power, duty, and accountability for running their own practices thanks to shared governance. Shared leadership is the method of controlling a school by involving more people in key decisions regarding the structure, operation, and curriculum of the institution. Shared leadership may actually be defined differently from school to school and take many different shapes.

The previous manager of Mich showed a strong desire to serve her team rather than demand service in return. She is observant, prefers to teach before leading, and shows patience, which are traits of:

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Servant leaders are nonjudgmental, open-minded, and listen intently and deeply to others. A leader's main objective in a servant leadership style is to serve others. A servant leader defers to others in authority, prioritizes the needs of the workforce, and supports personal growth and peak performance. The standard is turned on its head by servant leadership, which prioritizes the employees who provide customer service.

Ms. Jade recently received a promotion to patient care manager. To be effective in her new position, she keeps up with the latest management and leadership theories. She discovers that some bosses care more about their employees than they do about their services. Which management approach fits this description?

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The management philosophy of a country club prioritizes the well-being of the workers over providing services. He/she manages the division in a way that makes everyone pleased, including the manager. According to this management philosophy, if employees are content with their work, they will automatically work harder.

Some leaders, Ms. Kate discovers, are transactional leaders. Which of the following traits does a transactional leader not possess?

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A transformative leader is one who inspires others with their vision. He is primarily concerned with the daily activities of the division or unit. Self-motivated individuals who perform well in a structured, guided environment are necessary for transactional leadership. The goal of transformational leadership, in contrast, is to inspire and motivate employees. It favors influence above direction.

Fatima learns that some managers have an authoritarian-benevolent management style. Which of the following actions is she most likely to display?

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Managers who are benevolently dominant and pretentiously show their people their confidence and trust. In a benign-autocratic leadership style, the manager has condescending confidence and trust in the subordinates, motivates with praise and some reprimands, allows some upward communication, solicits some ideas and opinions from the subordinates, and allows some decision-making to be delegated but with tight policy control.

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