Free PSW Emotional and Social Support Test 1


According to Marx, what is the driving force of social change?

Correct! Wrong!

Marx believed that social change is driven by social conflict between classes. He argued that throughout history, societies have been divided into classes based on the ownership of means of production, and these classes are in constant conflict over resources and power. This conflict leads to the overthrow of the ruling class by the working class, resulting in a new social order. Marx saw this class struggle as the primary force behind social change, as it drives the transformation of economic, political, and social systems.

Social interaction is _______ competition.

Correct! Wrong!

Social interaction is not always based on competition. While competition can be a factor in some social interactions, it is not the sole or primary basis for all social interactions. Many social interactions are based on cooperation, collaboration, mutual support, empathy, and other non-competitive factors. People engage in social interactions for various reasons, such as building relationships, seeking emotional support, sharing information, or simply enjoying each other's company. Therefore, it is incorrect to assume that social interaction is always based on competition.

Achieved statuses _________ positive.

Correct! Wrong!

The explanation for the given answer "Are not" is that achieved statuses can be positive or negative. They are not inherently positive, as they can vary depending on the individual's accomplishments or social position. Therefore, it is incorrect to assume that achieved statuses are always positive.

Friends are usually the ________ social contact for a child.

Correct! Wrong!

Friends are usually the second social contact for a child because the first social contact is typically their family members, such as parents or siblings. Friends become an important social contact for a child as they grow older and start to socialize outside of their immediate family. Friends provide companionship, support, and opportunities for social interaction and development. They play a crucial role in a child's social and emotional well-being, helping them to learn important social skills and navigate relationships outside of their family circle.

What are supportive interactions based on?

Correct! Wrong!

Supportive interactions are based on cooperation, exchange, and understanding. Cooperation involves working together and collaborating to achieve a common goal. Exchange refers to the sharing of ideas, resources, and support between individuals. Understanding involves empathy, active listening, and the ability to put oneself in someone else's shoes. All of these elements are essential in fostering supportive interactions, as they promote positive relationships, effective communication, and mutual support.

The study of the concrete social relations that links people is called

Correct! Wrong!

The study of the concrete social relations that links people is called network analysis. Network analysis involves examining the connections and interactions between individuals or groups, and analyzing the patterns and structures that emerge from these relationships. It focuses on understanding how information, resources, and influence flow through social networks, and how these networks impact individuals and society as a whole. Social analysis, on the other hand, is a broader term that encompasses various approaches and methods used to study social phenomena. Individual analysis refers to the study of specific individuals and their characteristics or behaviors.

Social interaction is

Correct! Wrong!

Social interaction is both verbal and nonverbal. Verbal communication involves the use of words, language, and speech to express thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Nonverbal communication, on the other hand, includes facial expressions, gestures, body language, and tone of voice, which convey messages without the use of words. Both verbal and nonverbal cues are essential in social interactions as they complement and reinforce each other, allowing individuals to understand and interpret the intentions, emotions, and attitudes of others. Therefore, social interaction encompasses both verbal and nonverbal forms of communication.

The deliberate attempt to oppose someone is what type of social interaction?

Correct! Wrong!

Conflict refers to the deliberate attempt to oppose someone. It involves a clash or disagreement between individuals or groups with opposing interests, goals, or values. In a conflict, there is a struggle for power, resources, or control. It often leads to tension, hostility, and negative emotions. Therefore, the correct answer is Conflict.

__________ is a contest among people or groups of people to gain control over resources.

Correct! Wrong!

Competition refers to a contest where individuals or groups strive to gain control over resources. It involves a competitive environment where participants engage in activities to outperform and surpass others in order to achieve their goals. This can include competing for jobs, customers, market share, or any other valuable resources. Cooperation, on the other hand, involves working together towards a common goal, while conflict refers to a state of disagreement or hostility. Therefore, competition is the correct answer as it best describes the concept of a contest for resource control.

Exchange is

Correct! Wrong!

Exchange refers to a process where individuals interact with each other in order to receive something in return for their actions. This can involve various forms of reciprocity, such as trading goods or services, sharing information, or engaging in mutual cooperation. It implies a transactional nature where individuals engage in give-and-take interactions, expecting some form of return or benefit.

Which of these is an example of nonverbal social interaction?

Correct! Wrong!

All of these options are examples of nonverbal social interaction. Gestures, body language, and expressions are all forms of communication that do not involve spoken words. These nonverbal cues can convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions, and are an important part of how we interact and understand others in social situations.

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