FREE OSU English Proficiency Questions and Answers


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

The correct punctuation includes a comma before the quotation and the period inside the quotation marks.

Which sentence uses a comma correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

The comma is correctly used before the conjunction "but" in a compound sentence.

What is the correct meaning of the word "ubiquitous"?

Correct! Wrong!

"Ubiquitous" means being present or existing everywhere.

What is the main purpose of an expository essay?

Correct! Wrong!

An expository essay is written to explain or inform the reader about a particular subject.

What is the main theme of George Orwell's novel "1984"?

Correct! Wrong!

"1984" explores the consequences of a totalitarian regime on individual freedom and society.

Which of the following sentences uses an active voice?

Correct! Wrong!

The subject "children" performs the action "ate" in the active voice.

What is the function of a topic sentence in a paragraph?

Correct! Wrong!

A topic sentence introduces the main idea that the paragraph will discuss.

Select the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement.

Correct! Wrong!

"Group" is a collective noun treated as singular, so it takes the singular verb "is.

Choose the correct form of the verb: "If I ____ you, I would apologize."

Correct! Wrong!

The subjunctive mood is used for hypothetical situations, requiring "were" in this context.

What is a synonym for "benevolent"?

Correct! Wrong!

"Benevolent" means well-meaning and kindly.

Identify the sentence that is grammatically correct.

Correct! Wrong!

The subject "team" is singular and agrees with the singular verb "is going.

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