FREE CVP Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB) Management Questions and Answers


What is a key indicator of successful hemodynamic monitoring during a CPB procedure?

Correct! Wrong!

Stable blood pressure is a key indicator of successful hemodynamic monitoring during CPB. It ensures that the patient’s vital organs are receiving adequate blood flow and oxygen. Elevated glucose levels, decreased heart rate, and increased urine output can be significant but are not primary indicators of successful hemodynamic monitoring during CPB.

Which of the following is a common complication associated with cardiopulmonary bypass?

Correct! Wrong!

Hemolysis, or the breakdown of red blood cells, is a common complication associated with cardiopulmonary bypass due to the mechanical stress on blood cells as they pass through the CPB circuit. While hyperglycemia and hypocalcemia can occur, they are not as directly related to CPB as hemolysis. Hyperthermia is not a typical complication of CPB.

What is the purpose of administering heparin during a CPB procedure?

Correct! Wrong!

Heparin is administered during a CPB procedure to prevent blood clots from forming in the CPB circuit and within the patient’s body. This anticoagulant effect is crucial for the safe operation of the CPB machine. Heparin does not enhance clotting, decrease blood pressure, or improve oxygen transport.

In the event of a sudden drop in arterial pressure during CPB, what is the most appropriate initial action?

Correct! Wrong!

In the event of a sudden drop in arterial pressure, the most appropriate initial action is to check for air bubbles in the circuit, as air embolism can significantly impact arterial pressure and circulation. Increasing the pump flow rate or administering vasopressors may be necessary later, but checking for air bubbles is a critical first step. Disconnecting the CPB machine is not an appropriate immediate action.

What is the primary function of a cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) machine during heart surgery?

Correct! Wrong!

The primary function of a cardiopulmonary bypass machine is to maintain blood circulation and oxygenation while the heart is stopped during surgery. It takes over the functions of the heart and lungs, ensuring that blood continues to circulate and supply oxygen to vital organs. Mechanical ventilation, anesthesia administration, and glucose monitoring are not the primary roles of the CPB machine

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